Gephyrophobia Anxiety on the Bridge, and The Last Goodbye to the Ocean

“Would you mind slowing down a bit?”

The woman asked me in almost a begging voice.

I moved to the right lane and slowed down to around 5 miles under the speed limit.

I smiled at passengers flying by on my left.

“There it is. My adversary.”

Her right hand extended into the front seat with her index finger pointing at the four-mile bridge on the horizon.

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Rideshare Experiences: Weed, Vape, Bongs and Near-Death Experiences

During the remainder of the ride, they both took turns telling me about the wonders of their new bong. They were both eager to arrive at their destination and try out their amazing technologically efficient paraphernalia. We arrived at their ultimate destination, and they departed the vehicle. Minus their bong. It was my last ride, so I closed out my App and headed home. Within a very short time, I received a call.

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