Rideshare Experiences: Weed, Vape, Bongs and Near-Death Experiences

During the remainder of the ride, they both took turns telling me about the wonders of their new bong. They were both eager to arrive at their destination and try out their amazing technologically efficient paraphernalia. We arrived at their ultimate destination, and they departed the vehicle. Minus their bong. It was my last ride, so I closed out my App and headed home. Within a very short time, I received a call.

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Rideshare Relationships: One Name at a Time

I always ask experienced rideshare riders if they have any favorite rider stories to share. I listen to wonderful stories about other drivers from people in the backseat of my car. I also augment other driver stories by introducing myself to other drivers and inquiring about how they got into the gig economy as a driver, how long they’ve been driving, and if they have any stories to share.

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