Brandon Durham killing: Bookman interacted with Durham and Boudreaux day prior to shooting

On December 10, 2024, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department released the November 11, 2024, body-worn camera (BWC) video of Officers Alexander Bookman (1L3) and Jayce Metcalfe (1L4) while they were at the residence of Brandon Durham. The BWC confirms that Bookman knew the identity of Brandon Durham and Alejandra Boudreaux the day prior to Bookman shooting and killing Durham inside his home after he called 9-1-1 for help.

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The Singularly Ignored and Banned Discussion of the Number One Cause of Violence, Educational Deficits, Bullying and Poverty: Single Parent Families

In the relationship between single parenting and the high rate of crime, the cause of having only one parent is due to several obvious articulable connections.  A single parent cannot usually control a single male, let alone multiple males, their study habits, friendship choices, living in poverty, and group identification.  Gangs are always willing to substitute for absent parents.

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