Minneapolis Man Arrested for DUI with Kids in Car 

Without a doubt, one of the biggest issues over the past few decades has been the issues related to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. There have been a number of interventions made over the past few years to reduce the frequency of DWI and DUI cases. Increased awareness of the dangers of alcohol has certainly played a role. Another important development has been the growth of rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft. These apps allow someone to hail a cab with the push of a button, making it easier for someone who is intoxicated to get home safely. Sadly, DWI cases continue to reach the news.

Recently, a man in Minneapolis was arrested and charged with driving under the influence. Even more shocking, there were two kids in the car under the age of 16. Therefore, this individual was not only putting his life in danger but also the lives of children and everyone else on the road. The police were called to the scene when they received a report that a vehicle had rolled over and crashed on Interstate 94. The police officers responded quickly to the scene and tried to remove everyone from the car as quickly as possible. It was at that time that the officers realized that the driver was likely under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.

The police officers decided to administer field sobriety tests at the scene given the crash of only a single vehicle in otherwise good weather conditions and the overall state of the driver. They were also concerned about the well-being of the children. According to kellerlawoffices.com, “the officer’s evaluation of how the suspect performed on field sobriety tests” can impact whether or not a DWI case moves forward. These tests need to be administered in an appropriate manner. The officers may also use a breath test to get an estimation of someone’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC). A BAC or over 0.08 is considered intoxicated.

The effects of alcohol and drugs on someone’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely can be significant. If someone is under the influence, this can make them drowsy behind the wheel of a car. If someone falls asleep, he or she will obviously lose control of the vehicle. Intoxication can also inhibit someone’s reflexes, slowing their ability to react to changing road conditions. For this reason, it is critical for people not to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They place not only themselves but everyone else in the car and on the road at risk.