Las Vegas Metro Police Officer Dano Giersdorf disputes Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson’s accusations

LAS VEGAS — Earlier this year the Baltimore Post-Examiner received the following email from retired Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Officer Daniel “Dano” Giersdorf: My name is Dano, I’m the retired police officer from the LVMPD.  I would like you to feel free to contact me about your article and the false statements that Melanie Andress-Tobiasson has made about me.  I spoke to News8 in Las Vegas about this already extensively.  Melanie has me seriously confused with I don’t know who on the department but has been throwing my name out to the papers right and left.  She has said some very salacious statements about me, which none of her accusations are remotely true.

The Baltimore Post-Examiner conducted an on-the-record recorded interview with Dano Giersdorf this year. The interview was not published immediately because the Baltimore Post-Examiner was still investigating allegations and gathering documentation regarding comments made by Giersdorf and others.

Before we get to excerpts from that interview, to put things into perspective let’s revisit the following prior published content:

On January 21, 2019, the Baltimore Post-Examiner published, Judge claims FBI refused information on police corruption probe after pressure from LVMPD.’

Dano Geirsdorf and his wife Desirae (Facebook 2017)

That was the first article in which we reported that Las Vegas Township Justice Court Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson had told the Baltimore Post-Examiner in our on-the-record recorded interview with her in May of 2018 that Shane Valentine, Dominique “Domo” Thompson and Frankie Zappia, the step-daughter of now-retired LVMPD Police Officer Daniel “Dano” Giersdorf, had executed Sydney Land and Nehemiah “Neo” Kauffman on October 26, 2016 at 12:30 a.m.

Tobiasson claimed that the police had provided information to her about the double homicide and had evidence in their possession indicating that Valentine, Thompson, and Zappia were responsible for the double homicide.

Frankie Zappia has denied the allegations.

Talyn, Frankie and Aryanne Zappia (Facebook April 2016)

Tobiasson claimed that LVMPD Vice Detective Greg Flores, investigated the vice angle to the murders and that Flores has known Dano Giersdorf since before they both moved to Las Vegas and became police officers.  Tobiasson claimed Flores was god-father to Giersdorf’s other step-daughter, Aryanne Zappia.

Tobiasson has described Greg Flores as  “one of the most corrupt individuals I have ever had the displeasure of learning about,” however she provided no evidence to the Baltimore Post-Examiner to support her claim.

The Baltimore Post-Examiner reached out to Flores and requested a comment.  Flores said he would be more than willing to discuss Tobiasson’s claims however police policy forbids him from commenting to the press.

Tobiasson also claimed that Homicide Detective Mitchell Dosch who is investigating the Land/Kauffman murders, “lives on the same street as Dano Giersdorf. Do you know why? Because he and Dano Giersdorf have been friends for 30 years and bought houses together on the same street. You know how I know this? Because Dano Giersdorf’s other step-daughter told me this.”

The Baltimore Post-Examiner has previously reported that Tobiasson’s claims about Dosch were factually incorrect.

LVMPD Det. Mitchell Dosch (Screenshot)

On February 18, 2019 the Baltimore Post-Examiner published, ‘EXCLUSIVE: Witness claims Las Vegas Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson offered her a bribe to implicate ‘innocent man’ in unsolved murder case.’

In that article the Baltimore Post-Examiner published the following excerpts that were obtained during our on-the-record recorded interview with Aryanne Zappia:

Zappia: I want to clear a couple of things up that was said in your original story. I have never told Melanie, Judge Tobiasson, I have never told her that my stepdad Dano Giersdorf and Detective Dosch knew each other or that there was any relation.  In fact, I have actually told her my stepdad and Dosch never had a relationship, they don’t know each other.  The extent of their relationship or knowledge of each other would have simply been because they both work for Metro, and that’s not me defending anyone or attempting to discredit anyone, but the truth is my step-dad does not know Dosch.  So that was one thing that I wanted to clear up because the story indicated that I had specifically told her that, and I never did.

BPE: Tell me who your dad is, what his name is?

Zappia: He is my stepfather, not my dad.  My stepdad’s name is Daniel Giersdorf.  He was a Metro police officer.

Zappia: Melanie said a lot of accusations.  My sister in the course of 2017, my 15-year-old sister, commits suicide in Utah, shoots herself in the head, in her car at what’s called the lookout. Well, Melanie, she told me that my sister did not commit suicide, that my sister was murdered as a repercussion for my stepdad Dano’s actions.

BPE:  Let’s stop there.  What actions by Dano, what is she talking about?

Zappia: I don’t know.  She never specified anything.  The one thing Melanie did go on to say, so Melanie’s brother Mike, Mike Andress, he committed suicide, I think like 19 years ago.  Oddly, the police officer that responded to her brother’s suicide was my stepdad, Dano.  Melanie did tell me that my stepdad responded to it and she also told me that my stepdad didn’t properly investigate the death because they too quickly ruled it suicide when no one commits suicide and shoots themselves twice in the face, but she believes her brother was murdered.  That was Melanie’s exact words with Connie present.  I was very bothered by that statement because I do not know that my stepdad would ever do that.

BPE: Did your dad ever tell you how he first met Melanie or her brother, how did he meet them, do you know?

Zappia: He told me that he met Melanie, she was a detective, I think he said a detective or district attorney, I can’t remember what he said she was, but he met her at her brother’s wedding.  I guess Mike invited my step-dad to the wedding and that was the first time he met Melanie.

The following are excerpts from our interview with Dano Giersdorf:

Giersdorf: This is Dano.

BPE: This is Doug Poppa calling from Las Vegas.  Before we start talking I’m going to let you know we’re on the record and this conversation is being recorded.  I just need to inform you of that because of the regulations do you have a problem with that?

Giersdorf: No that’s fine.  Well Doug, my name is Daniel Giersdorf, you had my name in a couple of your articles in Vegas and that’s why I contacted you because you’ve been using me in this uh, these articles, and I’ve been reading the information and you, it just hasn’t been accurate what you’ve been printing, so I reached out to you just as a courtesy to kind of get you straight on where you were going with this stuff.

BPE: OK, and the information that was in the articles I believe you are talking about was coming from Judge Tobiasson, Melanie Andress-Tobiasson. Is that correct?

Giersdorf: Yeah, that’s right.  You know Doug I didn’t get into the specifics of the article; I write notes down, just figured I’d give you the opportunity to ask me a few questions about it and stuff because the things I have been reading you’ve been off on.  Like in your article I read some specific things like how I know Melanie and just that for a start.  I’ll start with that.  I met Melanie back in like 1992…

BPE: In Las Vegas or another state?

Giersdorf: In Las Vegas.  We had a mutual friend who was friends with her brother and that’s how I met Mel.  And her brother is Mike Andress and he’s deceased now.

BPE: Who’s the person who introduced you?

Giersdorf: His name is Mike also.  My friend Mike and Mike Andress used to work together and so they all knew each other, they’ve known each other their whole lives, these people.  Okay so, I saw that in your article, and I wanted to just clear that up.  You had printed in there about me being a vice officer…I was only in vice in 1996, the first part of ’97 for only a hundred, not even a 120 days.  It was a 90-day temporary duty assignment, so for three months I was in Vice and all that was, was a temporary duty, it’s brand new detectives, they go to units like that to learn how to do case submittals and case management and stuff like that, but you’re not permanently assigned to a unit.  And I never worked in vice other than that, those ninety days in 1996.  Lt. Terry Davis was my lieutenant and Sgt. Roy Phillips was my supervisor at the time, but it was only ninety days.  That’s the only time I’ve ever done anything with vice.


Some of the other things I noticed that you printed in your article was about my stepdaughter Frankie.  I keep seeing in your articles that someone keeps telling you that [LVMPD Vice Detective] Greg Flores is my stepdaughter’s godfather.   Frankie and my other stepdaughter Aryanne were seven and eight when I met their mother.  They had already been baptized on their side of the family.  Their dad is, their real dad is Italian, the whole side of the family is Italian, so they were baptized, and they had god-parents from the time they were infants, babies.  OK, and it’s not Greg Flores.

So let me tell you about Greg really quick.  He’s not the godfather of anybody I know.  Here’s the thing.  I met Greg in 2006 when I transferred to the Northeast Area Command in the patrol section.  Greg was one of the patrol squad members who was on the patrol squad with me.  I was on that squad about six months before I left to go to an investigative unit.  So I only knew Greg and worked with him in patrol for about six months, other than that I never worked with Greg or around him since then.

BPE: Did you know Greg before you moved to Las Vegas?

Giersdorf: No, I had no idea who Greg was until I went to his squad in 2006 and that was the first time I ever met him.  I worked on that patrol squad for about six months before I went to another unit and that was my only work history with Greg.  I’m reading your stories and the only thing I think is that Melanie has me confused with someone else, she’s thinking about. Like I said, me and Mel were never close or anything, we were just acquaintances.  We had hung out a couple of times back in the early 90s.  I went to her brother’s wedding, but other than that, me and Melanie never even had any kind of social relationship.  I would see her occasionally when she was on the bench and I was in her courtroom and she would just wave at me cause she recognized me.  But other than that we never had a conversation.

BPE: Were you guys ever romantically involved?

Giersdorf:  No.  And I heard that too from somebody and no, we were never involved like that.


BPE: Did you do something to her, or did she do something to you that she has animosity against you for some reason?

Giersdorf: I’m thinking and the best I can tell you, Melanie has me confused with someone else.  She’s got to be thinking someone else in her head and assuming it was me.  But other than that I wouldn’t know.  Now, I saw something in there something about her brother’s death.  OK, so let me tell you what happened on that day.  I was working patrol on the Northwest Area Command.  That call came up on the call log and I saw the name on it because you read the calls when they come up when you’re working patrol.  I knew who Mike was and I went immediately to the scene.  Now, other officers had already been dispatched to the scene.  So I showed up outside the house and the other guys were already there handling the scene.  Strictly because I knew who Mike was.  Now at no time did I enter the house, no time whatsoever did I ever have any part in the investigation.  That’s not allowed.

BPE: As a patrol officer you wouldn’t be investigating a death right, the death investigation, that would be the investigators correct?

Giersdorf: Well you do the initial investigation and everything else from the scene, but I didn’t even do that, I never even went into the house.  And while I was there at the scene, standing outside waiting to get information, that’s when Melanie showed up and so I talked to Melanie for a few minutes  and that’s because I was talking to Mike’s wife, Lorna, and then my sergeant showed up and he said, “Hey, you don’t need to be here, take off.”

I went over to Melanie to say goodbye and when we were there, a fella that was another mutual friend of Melanie’s and her brother Mike and everything else, this guy named Johnny Ventura showed up.  John was a bad dude, he got himself in a lot of trouble, and so, I had met Johnny before, so I knew who he was, so I left, I said you know I got to go, I’m out.  I left and went back on patrol and handled the rest of the calls for service that day.

BPE: Who’s this guy Johnny Ventura, is he still alive?

Giersdorf: No, he got murdered, oh man, I don’t know maybe eight years ago.

BPE: What was he involved in, what was his thing?

Giersdorf: When he got out of prison, he got arrested for, he was part of a group that was stealing all the ATM machines and then burying them after they robbed them.  He got busted for that and he went to prison and when he got out of prison, I heard and I don’t know for sure, it would simply be speculation, he was loansharking and when he went to collect, someone shot him in the back.

BPE: How did Melanie know him; do you know how she knew him?

Giersdorf: They all grew up together, Mel, her brother, my friend Mike, these guys all grew up together.  They’ve known each other their whole lives.  I never met Melanie or her brother until like right around 1992 when I was introduced to her brother Mike, and then I knew him a couple of times and then I met his sister and she went to a, we all went out together to the bar.  Her brother Mike didn’t drink, but he would go hang out, he would get water and stuff, and Mel went with us like once or twice, but that was it, I mean other than that there was nothing else there.

BPE: You saw the interview I did with Aryanne, and Frankie who I never spoke to, they’re your step-daughters right?

Giersdorf: Yeah, they’re step-daughters.

BPE: You saw what Ary said in the article about, that Melanie was telling her that, of course, she was talking about what you just told me about her brother and that Melanie thought you didn’t handle the investigation right and that her brother was actually murdered.  But you didn’t do the investigation.  You wouldn’t have been involved in the death investigation of Mike Andress, right?

Giersdorf: I was never involved in anything.  All I did was show up at the scene and I was outside the whole time. Other officers were already there and handled it.  I just showed up because I knew Mike and I saw his name on there, I met her once before, so I just showed up as reasonably anybody would when your friend’s dead, you go to see what happened. Like I said, I showed up, Mel showed up and then my sergeant showed up and I had to leave I had to go back to patrol, I had to go back to work.  I never got on the property.  I was in the street the whole time, at the perimeter.

(Michael G. Andress, 34, died on October 30, 1999.)


BPE: When your daughter was talking that Melanie told her, she’s talking about her sister’s suicide that happened I guess about a year ago and Melanie says that it wasn’t a suicide, that it was retaliation, her sister that died in Utah, that was retaliation for something you did.  Do you have any idea what she’s talking about there?

Giersdorf: No. But I’ll tell you right now.  This is the first and only time we’re going to talk about my youngest daughter’s death.  Her death was a suicide, she left a note, she used her stepdad’s gun…

BPE: We don’t need to get into the details…

Giersdorf: There was no other reason to think anything else especially where she was at and where she lived and everything else.  So my daughter’s death should never have anything considered or brought up about my daughter’s death.

(Talyn Giersdorf, 16, died on March 28, 2017.)


BPE: Why, it’s not just that Melanie is attacking you on what she said about the brother and everything, but now she’s talking about your daughter, what’s her motivation here.  I don’t understand what she’s trying to do here.

Giersdorf:  I think she has me confused with someone else.  I really do.  That’s the only thing I can think about.  And this is why I say that.  The stuff that she’s saying you know about this whole thing going on with vice and pimps and everything else, I haven’t been in vice since 1996, so why would she assume that I have anything do with any of that, if I never worked in that unit, you know what I mean.  That’s why she has me confused with somebody else.  Now a funny thing about Mel is, about four months ago my friend Mike who has known her all his life, like I said, and her brother, told me and he says, “What’s going on with Melanie.”  I said, “What do you mean.”  He goes, and he told me that his ex-wife called him and said Melanie is telling everybody that I, me, am going around and telling people that her son is my kid.

BPE: She’s married to a retired Metro cop, Mr. Tobiasson.

Giersdorf: Toby Tobiasson, right.

BPE: And she’s telling some friend that you know that you are…

Giersdorf: My friend called me and said that she had said that I’m running around telling everybody that her son is my kid.  That was about four months ago.  Me and Melanie never had any kind of sexual relationship whatsoever.  We were just acquaintances, that was it.  Like in 1990, whatever year her brother got married.  You know what I  mean.  We haven’t hung out or anything since then, so you understand that, you know.  The last time I saw Melanie outside of a courtroom was at her brother Mike’s funeral.

BPE: Since the stories came out, has she, when was the last time, did you ever speak to her, had contact with her.  Did you contact her when the stories came out and say hey, what the hell is going on over here?  I would do that. If somebody’s talking bullshit about me, I’m going to call them up and say what the hell is your problem, what are you doing this for.  That’s what I would do, but I don’t know if you did that.

Giersdorf:  The only person I talked to so far has been a civil attorney about my name showing up in the paper on these articles and stuff, like that. That’s the only person I’ve talked to is a personal attorney.  The last time I saw Melanie and the chance to say hi to her was in 2009 and she was on the bench, I was in her courtroom, and that was it.  I saw her on the bench, I waived hi, my case when I talked to the district attorney my case had been negotiated and I left, I never even talked to Mel.  She just saw me come in.  I saw her on the bench and waved hi at me, she was handling another case.  When I went to check in with the district attorney he says this was negotiated, OK, I’m out and I left and that was it.  So that was the last time I seen her, probably in 2009.  I haven’t tried to reach out and talk to Mel or her husband or anything like that, I have no reason to.  Like I said, the fact that I know her from an acquaintance is so distant that I wouldn’t feel right about calling her up and say hey Mel, this is Dano Giersdorf, you remember me.  I’d have to start with, you remember me.  It’s been that long since I’ve seen her or talked to her.

BPE: Has she reached out to you since the stories came out and said something?

Giersdorf: No.  She has me mixed up with somebody else, that’s the only thing I can think.  I get it that she’s on some mission because her daughter is a prostitute.  (Editor’s Note: Her daughter has never been charged with prostitution and there are no criminal records to support that allegation. Tobbiasson claimed Shane Valentine was trying to recruit her daughter into the sex trade.)

That’s a hard thing for anybody to have to deal with.  You know especially for a judge and her husband was a sergeant you know and stuff.  I mean it’s even hard for me.  I have a step-daughter that was involved in the game too, you know it’s a difficult thing to deal with and I’m sure she’s reaching in any direction to point the blame at something or someone, other than the fact that she’s not blaming her daughter, they make a conscious effort to end this game.  You know, I swear she has me mixed up with someone else, because the stuff I’m reading, what you’ve posted so far, I’m thinking to myself, who, what the hell is she thinking, is she talking about.  You know what I mean.  The reason I reached out to you was because my name keeps popping up on this and I have absolutely nothing to do with any of this, other than the fact that I am a step-father to Frankie.  You know what I mean.

Sydney Land and Frankie Zappia (Facebook)


BPE: And you’re not a step-father to Aryanne?

Giersdorf:  I am a stepdad to Aryanne.  Frankie was the original thing I was talking about, because you’re talking about Sydney and Neo.  I’ve met both of them, they’ve been to my house, oh shit, they’ve been to my house, because they came over with Frankie, maybe a dozen or more times.

BPE: So you knew Neo and Sydney, or just knew Sydney?

Giersdorf: I knew them both. They both came to the house with Frankie.  They hung out together all the time.  They were always together.

BPE: Frankie and Sydney?

Giersdorf: Yeah.

BPE: What about this kid Neo who was killed.  Did she bring him over too?

Giersdorf: Yeah, he came to my house too.   He was actually a really nice kid when he came to my house.  He was really respectful you know and everything else.  The same with Syd.  But they were, Frankie and Sydney were always together.

BPE: Yeah right, I heard they were good friends, together.

Giersdorf: Yeah. I know Frankie had told us that even when she was in custody and that, Sydney would see her once a week for visitation.  Talk to her, whatever.  You know what I mean.   Yeah, even from like high school on, those guys were, those two were you know, best friends.

BPE: Wow.

Giersdorf: If I remember right, I’m sorry, if I remember right, Frankie moved up to Utah, she would tell us that Sydney was up there with her to.  Yeah.  She would go visit them there.  Yeah, they were all together.  They were always together.  Like I said, they would come to the house and hang out and stuff and so, um, yeah.  We had a big island in our kitchen with chairs around it. Everybody would come and hang out in the kitchen and sit there all the time.

BPE: They were killed on October…

Giersdorf: They were at our house like two weeks, ten days right in there, before that.   All three of them.

BPE: Wow.  Okay, what about Melanie’s daughter, Sarah Tobiasson, did she ever hang out with them.  Do you know her?

Giersdorf:  I never met Sarah.  I’ve never met Sarah.

BPE: How did you know that she was a prostitute, you told me she was a prostitute?

Giersdorf: I read about it, I read about it in the articles.

BPE: No, Melanie never said her daughter was a prostitute.  Melanie said that Shane Valentine tried to make her into a prostitute, and she said no, I’m not interested and left.  Melanie never admitted to me or anybody else, as far as I know, I don’t know if she admitted to anybody else, I’m not her friend…

Giersdorf: On News8, on News8 Las Vegas…she did a video on this whole thing.  But I don’t know her, like I said.  I never even knew it, I couldn’t even tell you, I don’t know if Melanie even has a son.  You know what I mean.  When my friend called me and said hey, she’s telling people that I’m running around telling everyone that I’m her son’s dad , well one, I didn’t know she had a son, until I saw that expose thing on News8, I’m sorry I assume it was the News8 thing.

BPE: I don’t think she said on, Dano, I don’t think she admitted on Channel 8 that her daughter was a prostitute.  I think she said that they tried to get her into it, and she didn’t get into it.  I don’t think she admitted it.  I have to go back and look at it, or if she did, I have to look.  She never told me when I interviewed her, what she told me was Shane Valentine wanted her, asked her and she left the house and she was just concerned that at some point he would try again.

Giersdorf: It was a long time ago, like I said, I haven’t really been paid much attention to it.  I know some reporter from News8 called me and asked me all these same questions, they asked me about my vice time, they asked me about Greg Flores, you know all these things and, the News8 reporter had all the information completely wrong also.  And so I talked to her for about a half-hour and I explained to her, I said when I told her the only time I was in vice was back in 1996.  The only time I knew Greg was the six months we worked together.  She had asked me how often does Greg come to my house, which I thought was kind of funny because the only time Greg Flores has ever been to my house is when I was on that squad in patrol, they were changing sergeants and it was Christmas time and normally what will happen is the supervisor will do a Christmas party, you know everybody kind of get together, and we didn’t have one at the time and I volunteered to use our house for the Christmas party without asking my wife.  So, the whole squad was at my house for a Christmas party.  All it was, we did dinner, we did some gifts, we hung out for a little bit and that was it.  That’s the only time Greg’s been to my house and that would have been, trying to think what year I left the airport, so it had to be 2007, 2008.  No 2006 was the same one when I met Greg, sorry trying to think of the year, it was going into 2007.  So it was that Christmas.

BPE: So before you came to Vegas, because I think that’s one of the things she said in one of the interviews, you didn’t know Greg Flores before you came to Vegas?

Giersdorf: No, I came back from the Gulf War, I was stationed overseas, I separated out of Nellis and then I hired on the department ten months later, and I never met Greg until 2006 when I went to his squad in Northeast.

BPE: Were you guys drinking buddies like close or not that close?

Giersdorf:  No, we worked together, that was it.  We just worked together on the same squad.

BPE: Well this is very puzzling because I have no idea why she’s saying what she’s saying.

Giersdorf: We never hung out together outside of work.  I never actually hung out with anybody from work, outside of work.  Like I said the only time I, anybody been to my house from my squad was the Christmas party.  That was the same year and that was because I volunteered at my house.  I was the senior guy on the squad, that’s why I volunteered.  But other than that, that was it.  So like I said, I think Melanie has me confused with someone else.

BPE: I’m going to ask you some questions about the interview when she mentions you, I want to get your reaction to it.  I will do a story and fix this; your version will go into a story.   She never elaborated on with me, you know, the guy that said that she said you were her son’s father.  I never heard of that.  You saw the photograph in the last story when you guys were at the wedding and…

Tobiasson Giersdorf Mike Andress

Giersdorf: Mike’s wedding.  That’s when, they played the bad boy theme from Cops for Mike.  We all posed together; it was good humor.

BPE: OK. I do not know what her end game is with you, it’s extremely troubling because she is making a lot of accusations about a lot of people.

Giersdorf: There’s an FBI investigation into the department or Vice or whatever every other year.  Even when  I hired on back in 1993 that’s all I heard about.  The FBI was investigating Vice or some other part of the department for something and that was pretty regular.  Even when I went to Vice for that 90 days in 1996, everybody was talking about it, oh the FBI is investigating Vice again and even I told the news, the lady from News8.  I said to hear that the FBI is investigating Vice is like hearing that it’s going to be sunny in Vegas tomorrow.  That’s a normal thing to hear that, going on all the time. Like I said, for the 20 something years I was on the department that’s all you heard about. The FBI is always looking into something from Metro.

BPE: She’s making some allegations about one of the homicide guys.

Giersdorf:  Hey Doug, like I said, forgive me if I’m just remembering it wrong.  Something about the detectives are involved in homicide.  What I’m telling you is I don’t know who those guys are.  I think I’ve met one of them, I think it was Dosch, but I’ve never met those guys before, I don’t know them.  You know I don’t work Homicide, I never worked around them, you know there’s 3,500 cops on the department completely, so I mean but, just so you know, I don’t know who these guys are.

BPE: Tobiasson was telling me that you and Dosch were friends before you were cops, you bought houses in the same neighborhood, that’s what she says in the interview.

Giersdorf: I may have met Dosch once or twice but here’s the thing.  I’ll tell you this because I’ve heard this before.  I was the only person on the department named Dano.  And Dano is obviously going to stick out, it’s not even my real name, I’ve been called Dano since I was really little.  Did she say something about me, did she say, was there something in there about me retiring?

BPE: Yes. Tobiasson said that after the homicide, the double homicide, you retired four days later.

Giersdorf: Just so you know I retired on my birthday in 2015 with 22 years on the department.  April 9, 2015, so I believe that’s two years before this happened, almost.  In fact this April it will be four years retired.  So I’m telling you Melanie’s thinking stuff or saying stuff about me, she has me screwed up with someone else.  The reason I reached out to you was because the information you had about me was wrong.  I do know Melanie like I said from the early ’90s but never had any kind of relationship with her other than we hung out a few times, we had friends in common and I knew her brother, but that’s it.  Just so you understand.  Since I’ve been retired I’ve had nothing to do with the department.

Who is Johnny Ventura?

Dano Giersdorf mentioned Johnny Ventura.  The Baltimore Post-Examiner conducted an inquiry into Ventura.

In May 2003 John Vito Ventura was indicted on six felony counts stemming from an April 23, 2003 incident in Las Vegas where Ventura used a stolen backhoe to knock down an automated teller machine (ATM) and then stole thousands of dollars in cash.

Ventura was convicted and sentenced to Nevada State Prison.   On July 11, 2014, Ventura, 47, was shot and killed during a physical altercation in North Las Vegas.

Tobisasson’s Instagram account rips Frankie Zappia

It appears Tobiasson set up an Instagram account under a different name.

The Baltimore Post-Examiner has obtained a copy of Frankie Zappia’s Instagram account for October 6, 2017, one year after the murders of Sydney Land and Nehemiah Kauffman.

A message posted on the account under “jfsan102516” read “One year since you helped kill her.”

According to text messages obtained by the Baltimore Post-Examiner, Melanie Tobiasson set up an Instagram account under “jfsan102516” and posted that comment.

In text messages sent to Connie Land on October 6, 2017, Sydney Land’s mother, Tobiasson wrote, “Did you see the comment.  Look at jfsan102516.”  “Look at what I sent.  Can’t figure out how to delete the account now.”

“The cops will probably try to figure it out for her.”

Connie Land: Tobiasson played me

The Baltimore Post-Examiner has published numerous stories about Tobiasson asking Connie Land to send her all Land’s communication messages with LVMPD Homicide Det. Mitch Dosch, who Tobiasson had made unsubstantiated claims to Connie Land that Dosch was corrupt and couldn’t be trusted.

As we previously reported, Tobiasson claimed that the FBI was going to investigate the Land/Kauffman murders, which the Baltimore Post-Examiner later learned was not true.  The FBI told Land that they were not investigating the murders and that she should continue to send whatever information she had to the LVMPD detectives assigned to the case.

In a November 9, 2017 email sent by Connie Land to Det. Dosch, Land wrote: “I sent all communication I had including text messages, phone records.  She asked for all of my communication with you and everything I had on the case.  I emailed that information to her.  I can forward those correspondence as well.  Please let me know.  Again, I am sorry for what I may have said in these messages.  I honestly thought there was no one I could trust, and you were also involved.  She [Melanie Tobiasson] completely played me.

Tobiasson confirmed that she had all of Connie Land’s text messages with Det. Dosch during the Baltimore Post-Examiner’s May 2018 interview with her: “I have all the text messages between him and Sydney Land’s mom.”

Why Tobiasson wanted all of those texts messages and communications between Land and Dosch is anyone’s guess.

At least one of those text messages that Tobiasson had possession of ended up in a 2018 article by the Nevada Current.

Those text messages may end up as part of a script for a Hollywood movie.

On October 21, 2017 Tobiasson sent a text message to Connie Land stating that she was sitting at a table with a Hollywood producer.  “Guess what we will be talking about,” Tobiasson wrote.

It’s so sad that the Kauffman and Land families have to wait to find out what Tobiasson is holding back on the murders of their children.

32 thoughts on “Las Vegas Metro Police Officer Dano Giersdorf disputes Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson’s accusations

  • December 8, 2019 at 12:35 AM

    Hey Doug how about you delete the comments Ary’s has made since they are 100 percent false regarding what she claimed Judge said? How low does it go to blatantly lie and attribute those statements to someone who never said it, never thought it and never believed anything other than her brothers death was a suicide in order to get revenge against someone you betrayed, lied to and about, and have attacked and terrorized endlessly because she recognized that she trusted someone who is every bit as, or more, disgusting, vindictive and narcissistic as the people you accuse of corruption.

    And as far as Ventura and Dano they were never there! Everyone who was there was there between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm and those two weren’t there.

    • Doug Poppa
      December 8, 2019 at 8:01 PM

      Las Vegas Township Justice Court Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson can speak for herself, to me or any other media she so desires, and/or hold a press conference and state as she claimed, that Sydney Land and Nehemiah Kauffman were the wrong two people who ended up dead because as she alleged in an ON- THE-RECORD RECORDED INTERVIEW with an investigative journalist, yours truly, that it was her and her daughter Sarah who were meant to be killed, not Sydney and Nehemiah. For all you are not familiar with the law, that means Judge Tobiasson has knowledge of why the now three-year-old unsolved Land/Kauffman double homicide occurred and she is withholding that information. An elected sitting judge is withholding information as to why two people were murdered. Tobiasson went on the record with the Baltimore Post Examiner and alleged corruption within the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the Clark County District Attorney’s Office and made numerous on the record allegations against cops, judges, and their children. It was Tobiasson, not Doug Poppa, who alleged the corruption. Tobiasson wanted to get her story out and I did just that. Before I even talked to Tobiasson, she told an LVMPD Detective in a text message that the BPE already published in a prior story, “I would like to get it out there ASAP. I would have done this immediately after I was outed to Metro about my contact with the FBI. As a courtesy to their investigation, I did not go with my original plan WHICH WAS TO WRITE IT ALL OUT AND SEND IT TO EVERY NEWS AGENCY IN THE COUNTRY.” In an email message in 2018 to the Baltimore Post-Examiner Tobiasson wrote, “Thank you certainly seems inadequate. I think I still can’t believe that somebody is willing to go to bat for me and expose the ugliness and enormity of it all. I have always believed that if I could get this national, someone would pay attention.” In another 2018 email message to the Baltimore Post-Examiner, Tobiasson wrote, “I’m pissed. I’m all in!!! I’ll keep writing. Maybe I should just tell it from my perspective like I planned to do six months ago and you can print it and distribute it.” Tobiasson, after Las Vegas KLAS-TV’s I-Team aired a segment in April of 2018 from an interview she gave them, she then filed a formal complaint accusing KLAS of misleading her because she supposedly never intended to appear on the air. Sounds very similar to what she did to the Baltimore Post-Examiner after we published her story. Just what did Judge Tobiasson think was going to happen when you give an interview with investigative journalists about a corruption story that by her own admission numerous times, she wanted to get out. Tobiasson also needs to explain that. As for any anonymous commenters speaking on her behalf about incidents they were not party too, that means nothing. At any time you can go on the record by stating your full name, your position and then produce whatever evidence you have to substantiate whatever it is you allege is not the truth. Until then, your comments are just meaningless gossip.

      • December 14, 2019 at 5:39 AM

        Really Doug! She doesn’t have to speak to or answer to any media, so don’t hold your breath! You have no proof that she has withheld anything because LE doesn’t answer to you or anybody on a OPEN murder case. Maybe you didn’t get that far into the academy to learn that!

  • December 7, 2019 at 5:03 PM

    Suzie, nah, there aren’t any reports to back up anything you said, and IF there were, your comments wouldn’t have been taken down plain and simple. Who ever you’re getting your information from, in regards to your post this morning, doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about, therefore you shouldn’t be on here spreading more lies. This case has been full of enough of those.

    • December 7, 2019 at 5:13 PM

      Believe what you want to believe, but I seen for my own eyes so I know there are reports.

    • December 7, 2019 at 5:15 PM

      And nobody ever wants to face the truth! If Dano wants to dispute what was said feel free. He should know there are reports on it and this sh-t you can’t make up. If they are wrong then he should look to the person who did reports.

    • December 7, 2019 at 5:22 PM

      The reports are internal and not public. It’s why Poppa doesn’t have them already or any media for that fact.

      And really why isn’t the focus on the people who committed the murders? Why does people’s dead siblings/kids etc even have to become an issue because its no good to bring up things like that.

    • December 7, 2019 at 5:52 PM

      What has happened here is that the murderers are still free and they have everyone turning against each other intentionally to take the focus off them. It’s not that people want to bash anybody that was not involved in the murders. It’s this whole story line has went to a whole new level and the murderers remain free. The blame should go to the people who committed the crime only, and all the in between is not the story line. It’s no good!

    • December 7, 2019 at 6:01 PM

      And if the detective misspoke and the ousting wasn’t intentional then that detective should apologize and explain to the person why that happened, so everyone can move on and get the responsible parties arrested for what they did.

      • December 7, 2019 at 6:02 PM

        Marie that was meant to be from Suzie. Typed in Name space your name. My apologies

    • December 7, 2019 at 6:28 PM

      There are people who know. Myself I have heard too! Of course everyone wants to go forward, but people don’t want to be ousted. Can you blame them? So how is one to go about that? Nobody has any idea how to do that without the wrong people getting your name out there. Just sayn

  • December 7, 2019 at 3:42 PM

    “Suzie”, where are your comments that you posted on here this morning? Perhaps you deleted them because you knew damn well that everything you stated was complete bullshit! Who are you to be spreading lies about people that you personally know nothing about?! Ever heard of Slander? Look it up! A lot of people saw what you wrote so it’s out there, just saying you should probably zip your lips! #facts

    • December 7, 2019 at 4:31 PM

      There are reports on all of it. So it’s not “slander.” Try again.

    • December 7, 2019 at 4:47 PM

      And if there is a story to be told them all sides need to come out or not print it. There has been games played big time and people are tired of it.

      PS..Can’t delete your own comments so had to be done by Baltimore.

  • December 7, 2019 at 3:33 PM

    That was a good test for you Doug. Removing comments and being selective. That showed your bias because that was all true. You can’t handled the truth, but have no problem dishing it out.

  • December 7, 2019 at 10:50 AM

    So finally someone backs up frankie. Frankie loved Sydney. Thank you dano for clearing it up and I hope everyone talking shit about frankie gets karma. Because while the “land family” is “grieving” so is frankie yet you’ve all made it so hard on her. When the truth comes out. She should get a public apology and watch out because everyone’s getting sued. Good day

    • December 7, 2019 at 11:08 AM

      I wouldn’t be thanking Dano for nothing he should be apologizing to those girls for the way he has done them.

  • December 6, 2019 at 11:58 PM

    I just want to say that I lost my brother 7 years ago. He went to high school with Melanie. She was there for me, without knowing me at all, minutes after he passed. She immediately told me of her brothers suicide and never once mentioned anything other than suicide. Shame on anyone for bringing up Mike’s name and shame on anyone for suggesting she is anything than an outstanding judge.

    • December 7, 2019 at 12:21 AM

      Thank you Courtney and I totally agree with you!

    • December 7, 2019 at 1:07 AM

      Sorry about your brother Courtney.

  • December 6, 2019 at 12:39 PM

    And if myself or anybody is going to give LVMPD information it surely isn’t going to be by media, and we will have to be rest assured our names wouldn’t get out. Because we surely won’t do it by media. It’s a shame because nobody knows how to go about it without that happening and people being attacked or their families.

  • Doug Poppa
    December 6, 2019 at 12:02 PM

    Mike or whoever the hell you are, why don’t you stop hiding behind an alias like a coward. Like I said, read the article again. Tell me what is factually incorrect in this article?

    • December 6, 2019 at 12:10 PM

      Do you think the people who have information and can help LVMPD homicide actually want to go forward right/wrong or indifferent with people being continuously attacked because with bits and pieces of info (not the whole story) coming out? It’s not helping because actually attacking people it makes the rest of us not want to go forward with any information. Nobody wants their name to land in news articles.

      • Doug Poppa
        December 6, 2019 at 12:18 PM

        Tobiasson is the one who is holding back information in the Land/Kauffman murders, by her own admission. So get over it.

        • December 6, 2019 at 12:19 PM

          Try telling that to the Land or Kaufman families when the double homicide is never solved.

          • Doug Poppa
            December 6, 2019 at 12:39 PM

            Sorry jackass, but the Land/Kauffman murders will be solved. Apparently you have never worked a homicide investigation or any investigation for that matter. By the way, anyone who had knowledge of the murders either before or after and don’t come forward could also be charged. Sooner or later the murderer(s) will take out all those who can implicate them in the murders. If they are smart and want to live they should be running to the cops.

            This will be my last reply to comments. Another year of NO HAPPY HOLIDAYS for the Kauffman and Land families.

        • December 8, 2019 at 12:06 AM

          How about you delete this comment too since it is 100 percent false and shows what a disgusting, midget of a man you are to blatantly lie and attribute this statement to someone who never said it, never thought it and never believed anything other than her brothers death was a suicide in order to get revenge against someone YOU betrayed, lied to and about, and have attacked and terrorized endlessly because she recognized that she trusted someone who is every bit as, or more, disgusting, vindictive and narcissistic as the people you accuse of corruption.

    • December 6, 2019 at 1:03 PM

      Name calling isn’t nice, FYI. And very unusual by media person. We are all adults here don’t need to act like anything else.

  • December 6, 2019 at 11:45 AM

    You think by attacking her and her family it will solve the double homicide? It won’t!!!! We all know you have a hard on for the Judge. She is good peeps and the people who know her know she is! Bringing up people who are deceased who have nothing to do with any of this is just not nice! She didn’t create the Vice scandal, nor did any of the deceased people. It’s over Doug. US Atty made his decision and it’s over!

  • December 6, 2019 at 11:19 AM

    Please stop bringing up Mike Andress. Let him RIP. He was a good guy. Actually, the whole family is good people. For god sakes it’s the holidays! He has nothing to do with this!

    • Doug Poppa
      December 6, 2019 at 11:46 AM

      Read the article again. Tobiasson made the comment that he was murdered and implicated Dano G. in the investigation. Dano Giersdorf has just as much right to defend himself as anyone else against unsubstantiated allegations.

      • December 6, 2019 at 11:56 AM

        Nobody has a problem with Dano speaking out. It’s not nice to continuously bring up Mike Andress because we all miss him and so does his family. It was devastating for that family and everyone who knew him. Can’t you just let him RIP.

        Try looking into the backgrounds of Valentine and his peeps and his friends. Those are the people resonpnsible for the double homicide.

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