Why BIO-15 Probiotics are the best for Optimum Health
“All diseases begin in the gut.” ~ Hippocrates. That is why people need the best quality probiotics like BIO-15 Probiotics to restore gut health.
The gut is home to trillions of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungi collectively known as the gut microbiome. Normally about 85% of the microbes are non-pathogenic (usually called ‘good”) microbes and 15% are the “bad” microbes that cause diseases. Babies are born with some microbes in their gut but the rest are acquired as they feed on milk and then later on solids. As long as the correct proportion of good and bad microbes is maintained, a human being lives a healthy life. When there is an imbalance in the gut microbiome, people get sick and they need to take probiotics to restore balance.
What causes an imbalance in the gut microbiome?
Imbalance is mostly caused by the western diet which is low in probiotics, the frequent use of antibiotics which destroy the good and the bad bacteria equally, pollution, food additives, artificial sweeteners, and stress. When this happens, the bad microbes flourish as they enter the body through the mouth. Adding a nutrient-rich blend like Superfood Greens Fusion to your routine may help support a balanced microbiome, providing essential nutrients that promote overall health.
What happens when there is an imbalance of the gut microbiome?
When there is an imbalance in the microbiome, a human being develops health problems. One notable problem that came to light in the 20th century is yeast overgrowth which causes many diseases such as nail fungus infection, weight gain, heart disease, vaginal infections, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, skin problems, and many other problems. Other problems are frequent upper respiratory infections, skin sensitivity, allergies, colitis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, bloating, stomach pain, headaches, brain fog, and depression. These are some of the problems that lead to the need for good quality probiotics such as BIO-15 Probiotics.
What are the benefits of taking BIO-15 Probiotics?
BIO-15 Probiotics is a super probiotic product that contains probiotics, prebiotics, biogenics, and supernatants. It is made from 180 herbs, berries, plants, and mushrooms soaked in mountain spring water and naturally fermented over 6 years. This slow natural process is unique in that the organic matter retains all the friendly bacteria and supernatant and allows live viable lactic acid bacteria (15 strains) to flourish naturally. Here are the health benefits of BIO-15 Probiotics.
1. Improves the immune system
The good microbes communicate with the immune cells and control how the body responds to infection. They also keep the bad microbes under control by attacking them when they are swallowed and by competing for food. As a result, pathogens cannot effectively colonize the gut.
2. Contains many nutrients
BIO-15 Probiotics contains many microbes including 15 lactic acid bacteria which decrease lactose intolerance. It also contains biogenics that regulate food absorption, stress, the immune system, appetite, and allergies, and prevent diseases, diarrhea, constipation, cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, and early aging. It also contains 10 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 9 minerals, and 4 organic acids.
3. Improves digestion
Some of the good bacteria digest fibers which then produce short-chain fatty acids that enhance gut health and prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and weight gain. Other bacteria help the body to completely digest complex carbohydrates and proteins.
4. Prevents yeast overgrowth
Good bacteria from probiotics prevent yeast overgrowth which causes diseases such as general inflammation, bloating, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, mental health, skin problems, fatigue, and joint conditions.
5. Controls body weight
Probiotics control weight as has been confirmed by several studies.
6. Improves gut health
Probiotics balance the microbiome maintaining digestive tract health and improving digestion. This prevents digestive tract problems such as bloating, abdominal pain, cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
7. Promotes heart health
A balanced microbiome promotes heart health by reducing bad cholesterol and preventing the accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels. It also prevents the conversion of choline and L-carnitine (from animal products) to TMAO, and that way prevents heart disease.
9. Reduces risks of diabetes
A healthy gut microbiome reduces blood sugar levels and the risk of diabetes. Many studies have confirmed this.
10. Improves brain health
Probiotics improve thinking and memory while relieving depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. That is because a balanced microbiome enhances communication between the gut and the brain and certain good bacteria produce neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, that help brain health. Even scientists have found that people with various psychological problems have different gut microbes from healthy people.
11. Supports bone health
Some good microbes in a healthy gut microbiome increase calcium absorption which improves bone health.
Why natural probiotics are beneficial for babies and young children
Babies and young children benefit a lot from taking probiotics. Babies who are fed only baby formula miss out on the probiotics available in breast milk. This may affect the number of probiotics that they have in their intestinal flora. Another problem is that when they get sick, many babies are given antibiotics which tend to destroy the beneficial microbes in their digestive tract. This leads to an imbalance in the gut microbiome and leads to many health problems. That is why many babies and young children have digestive tract problems, frequent colds, flu, eczema, and allergic reactions. They will benefit from taking probiotics.
Parents should get the highest quality products like BIO-15 for their babies and small children. BIO-15 is particularly beneficial for children because it contains 15 strains of probiotics that will rebalance the gut microbiome and eliminate all infections, boost their immunity, heal the gut, and reduce allergic reactions. It also contains vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, 18 amino acids, biogenics, and organic acids, all of which enhance children’s health in many ways. BIO-15 will bring relief to children and babies with colic and diarrhea and there is scientific evidence to support this. In one study, children with diarrhea (due to gastroenteritis) were given probiotics and found relief faster compared to those who were given a placebo.
The parents simply break the capsule and feed the paste directly to the young children or mix the paste with infant food for babies.
Can one take any probiotics?
Probiotics are not equal. Poor-quality probiotics are produced using methods that destroy most of the microbes. Luckily, BIO-15 Probiotics is a super-probiotic product that is produced using an ancient Japanese method that ensures that all microbes remain alive and even flourish. The capsules are double-coated so that the microbes survive the stomach acids and the people taking them get the full benefits. Best of all, the prebiotics serve as food for the friendly microbes to feed on, helping them to flourish in the gut.
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