What Should You Do When A Fire Starts In Your Business?

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Fire can happen anywhere – not just at home – but on your business location as well. Many business owners are confident that their fire protection system can stop the fire. The problem is, some of these systems only work when the fire has already started. Just like how fire alarms and water sprinklers work – it needs smoke from the fire in order to work.

As fire could disrupt normal business operations, it is more important that employees and management know what to do when instances like this arise. In a report made by a leading global corporate insurance carrier, the majority of insurance claims are a result of fire and explosion. Nothing beats prevention and preparedness when things like this happen. Here are the things that you should do when a fire starts in your work location.

1. Activate the alarm

Just in case the fire protection systems are not working, raise the alarm immediately. This will alert other people in the workplace and start taking the necessary precautions. Don’t panic and start calling the fire department and provide the necessary information they have to provide. Another possible scenario is when the fire alarm has started ringing but there is no visible fire. A fire marshall or fire watch guards should inspect the area first or if the system is just faulty.

2. Evacuate in an orderly manner

Remind everyone to stay calm and walk briskly towards the fire exit. You may collect important personal belongings but should only last for a few seconds and those that you can only carry. Remember not to use lifts as they will stop operating once there is a power shutdown. Inspect if there is also a fire on the exit you will be taking, and immediately transfer to another one just in case.

3. Get to the Fire assembly point

Offices, especially those who are in tall buildings, have a dedicated fire assembly point. This is where all people should meet and have a headcount to make sure that everyone made it outside the premises. If there are receptionists, get their report logs and contact the visitors to check if they were able to go out of the building.

In case you are trapped in the fire, begin by contacting someone who you assume has made it outside the building. Inform them of your exact location so the fire marshals will be able to reach out to you. Go to a place where there is a window to avoid suffocation. Never jump on a window unless supervised by a professional who can catch you.

As discussed earlier, prevention is always preferable. Any business, especially those that are considered to have a high risk of fires, can choose to hire fire watch guards. They are highly trained individuals that can patrol the area, reduce the risk of fire, or be in charge when the fire has already started. A fire watch services agency like The Fast Fire Watch Co. Can help you find skilled and well-trained fire watch security guards for your workplace or store. It is more important to prevent it from happening than to successfully eliminate the fire.