Tips for Steam Cleaning Upholstery

There must be several types of furniture at your home. But, how often do you find the time to clean all of them? Probably very seldom. If you take some time out from your busy schedule and look at some of your household furniture carefully, you will notice that most of them are in desperate need of cleaning. Instead of using the traditional style of using water and detergent to clean them, you can opt for steam cleaning the different upholstery. This will not just prove to be effective; it will also help to save you plenty of time and money.

Steps to Steam Clean Upholstery

There are some easy to use steps when it comes to steam cleaning your upholstery. Some of these steps have been discussed below to make things clearer and simpler to you.

  • Even before you decide to steam clean your upholstery, you will have to vacuum it thoroughly. This will help get rid of any loose dirt or dust deposits from the surface of the furniture. Even if there are any old food items, it will get sucked up by the vacuum. In order to perform this step, you will need to give it plenty of time. The more dust you can clear up from the surface, the easier it will be for you to steam clean the surface. Once the vacuuming is done, be sure to use a commercial furniture cleaner to spray on the surface. Make sure to spray it properly on stained areas. Use a washcloth to wipe of the solution after it sits on the surface for several minutes. Allow enough time for the surface to dry before you steam clean.
  • Load up the steam cleaner with the necessary amount of water and specially made steam cleaning solution. Affix the suitable attachment and adjust the strength of the cleaner to get a proper clean. Provide long even strokes with the cleaning attachment on the upholstery after you have filled it with water and cleaning solution. You need to remove any cushions from the upholstery if you wish to clean them. Make sure to clean both the front and rear sides of the cushions. However, if the cushions are not detachable, you need to clean them just like the rest of the furniture.
  • After you have successfully steam cleaned the furniture, you will have to give it sufficient amount of time to dry up completely. However, if you are in a hurry to use the furniture again after cleaning, you will have to use a wet/dry vacuum cleaner to quicken the drying process of the upholstery. Use this vacuum and run the upholstery attachment across the damp zone in long and even strokes. It will be almost similar to the way you used the steam cleaner.

There are various types of upholstery steam cleaner machines available in the market. Choosing the right one is important so that you can use it in the best possible manner and get the most out of the appliance.