North Carolina student thanks Maryland for gifts and information about state
.Editor’s Note: Governor Larry Hogan responded to Jordan Camrocy’s April letter and sent him several items and information about the state as did several other readers. Jordan is a student in at Charlotte Latin School Providence Road in Charlotte, NC. Jordan wrote a letter to say thank you to everyone.
Dear Editor,
A couple of weeks ago, I had a Letter to the Editor published in this newspaper. It said I was doing a state report on Maryland and asked you to send me some information.
Your response was overwhelming! I have tried my best to send a personal thank you to everyone, but if you sent something and have not received a personal letter, please know how much I appreciate the time, thought, effort and money that you took to help me with my project. I learned so much, and I will never forget this experience!
On May 18th, we had a big “State Fair” where we got to display the information and items that we received. The people of the great state of Maryland were well represented!
Thank you again
Jordan Camrocy
Charlotte Latin School
Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 2827
Ms. Dodd’s Class

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