Jen Michalski hosts fiction readings at Artifact Coffee
The temperature was in the low 20s outside, but Artifact Coffee was all cozy and warm on the inside.
To prove it, on Monday evening author Jen Michalski hosted the “Starts Here! at Artifact Coffee Reading Series.”
Artifact Coffee is a restaurant & bar located at 1500 Union Avenue in Hamden (Hon.)
It’s only a stone’s throw from the historic Jones Falls and the neighborhood of Woodberry. A near capacity audience, mostly from the local literary scene, braved the extreme cold weather to enjoy the readings.
The popular Ivy Bookshop was the sponsor of the literary happening. On the program were the fiction author and educator, Jane DeLury. Jane is based in Bmore, but she was originally from California. Fiction novelist from the West Coast, Rob Roberge was on the program, too, along Gina Frangello, an author of three books of fiction. At the moment, she is based in Chicago. By the way, Ms. Michalski’s latest novel, “The Tide King,” is continuing to get rave reviews. To learn more about the readers and this reading series, go to the events Facebook page.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: