5 Simple Wellness Tips that will Change Your Life
You know the song and dance. We all make certain resolutions in January aimed towards making our lives better in some aspect, but how many of us actually make that happen? Roughly 44% of all Americans roll in the new year with some sort of resolution, and most of the time it is geared towards wellness. Well, here we are making our way through the year pretty quickly (chaotically given current circumstances), and a lot of us fall short of our goals. Everything is created with convenience in mind these days and wellness options are no exception. CBD gummies are huge in wellness, and becoming a staple in millions of people’s lives every day. There are so many easy ways to incorporate CBD into your daily life so you can move through anything with calm and ease. Remember, wellness starts from within!
Another small step that many people overlook would be doing what makes you happy. Sadly, so many people go to jobs that they hate every day just to pay the bills, but I understand, because we all have bills, right? A good way to counter this disdain for your 9-5 is to make time for the things that do make you happy. As a busy mother and wife, I found that the only way to make that happen is to get up an hour or two before anyone else. I’m not a “morning person”, but having that time to myself to do the things that make me happy has turned out to be so beneficial to my personal well-being. Don’t overthink it. Maybe you don’t know what makes you happy yet, but having personal time for reflection is a step in the right direction.
The next thing on the list may not be something you typically think of when thinking of wellness. But, have you noticed how good it feels to do something nice for someone else? The possibilities are endless and don’t have to be anything expensive. With homeless populations increasing at rapid rates, it’s a no brainer that they need help, and I just find ways to provide meals or even small hygiene materials to some of those individuals I see around on a regular basis. If you aren’t comfortable with that you could volunteer at your local food bank or even just donate some stuff to your local shelter. Instead of throwing old clothes out, give them to your local women and children’s shelter (or regular shelter), but a lot of those women are trying to come out of tough situations and the help is greatly appreciated. Oh, and it’s a tax write off, too. Just be careful, because being kind is addictive!
Another small thing that seems to be overlooked is stretching and breathing. Many of us don’t have time for yoga classes, or maybe not even the extra cash for those classes, but doing some simple stretches before bed can help you sleep better. Give it a try. Roll your neck around to release all the tension from the day and give yourself a big bear hug and take notice of the improved sleep quality.
Lastly, the thing that might be hardest for us all, letting go of people in our lives that create toxicity. Maybe you haven’t taken the time to evaluate the relationships in your life? Think about it. Is there someone in your life who pulls you down rather than lifting you up? Someone, who guilt trips you for saying no to almost anything? Or, really just not a nice person and/or friend? Well, it’s time to clean house and let them go. You need a friend circle that exudes peace, positivity and unconditional love. You’ll notice the difference once you filter out the negativity.