Tech Giants Face Higher Tax Bills Under OECD Proposed Shake-Up

The Organization for Economic and Development (OECD) has proposed a global shake-up of corporate taxation, capsizing numerous rules, which have allowed technology giants like Amazon, Google, Netflix, Apple, and Facebook to shift profits all over the world, in order to minimize their tax bills. 

These new tax plans are aimed at making global firms to pay more tax. These multinational companies will be liable for the tax in areas where they have no presence physically. After all, companies, who do business in multiple countries have long been a challenge for tax authorities.

As a part of the proposed plan, OECD outlined its scope in which companies would be impacted, as well as how much business they need to do ins a particular country for them to be taxable, and how much of their profit might be taxed.

In this post, we are going to discuss the possible changes in the shake-up OECD is planning to do and implement.

Tax Moves

Various countries, including Britain and France, have been making their plans to introduce digital services tax. This proposal might affect companies that provide social media platforms, online marketplaces or search engines.

There are some concerns that this kind of unilateral measures might aggravate international economic tensions at times when they’ve already been upturned. All of these proposals will affect various technology companies from the United States big deal.


The proposal of OECD includes new rules on where the tax should be a pain, as well as on the proportion of the profits, which must be taxed in every country. The organizations said that they are making real progress in addressing the tax challenges, which arise from the digitalization of the economy, as well as to continue in advancing towards a consensus-based solution. 

The Organization for Economic and Development is an organization whose members are mostly rich countries, even though its work on the corporate tax brings in a more extensive group -134 jurisdictions and countries overall.

With the plan to a shake-up, it is expected to affect various big tech giants in the services that they provide. Not only the tech giants, but it is also probable that the world of online casinos will be affected too –including the online pokies in Australia.

Increasing Complexity

The proposed plans have already been disparaged by numerous campaigners. In fact, some suggest that the proposal of OECD will bring more complexity for the tax abusers. These abusers are thought to fail in meaningfully curbing corporate tax abuse, hide behind, as well as might shrink the tax revenues of lower-income countries, which suffered huge losses due to corporate tax abuse. 

The proposals of the OECD is necessary to be agreed upon by various governments from different countries, in order to come into force.

Final Say

The proposed measures of OECD might be a great boost for countries that have large consumer markets, yet might take their toll on low-tax countries. Even though the rules are mainly meant for the tech giants, they might still impact various large consumer firms, which sell retail products via a consumer network.