Steven Fisackerly – Top Traits of Your partner NOT being a narcissist
Narcissism is a mental health condition. One could describe it as a disability since it hinders social interactions and can cause personal traumas. Specifically to a disability, it can create obstacles for the individual’s life progression, affecting career prospects and relationships. Since humans are by very nature social creatures, our interactions are paramount to our sense of personal fulfillment. As such, if personalities are out of kilter from social norms and values this can create difficulties in connecting with other people
Steven Fisackerly is a sociologist and relationship counselor who identifies that with the growing trend of narcissism. Since the era of social media and identity politics that’s shaped public interactions, Fisackerly identifies that a sense of personal introspection is inevitable but that this can be misconstrued as narcissism.
As such, Fisackerly lists personality traits of someone that is NOT being a narcissist. Under the banner of 2 distinct aspects, he describes each with examples.
Self Control
Does your partner evidence elements of self-control? If so this is a strong indicator that they aren’t a narcissist.
Money: This could well be seen through their behavior with spending. Are they frugal or do they spend money as soon as it’s in their pocket? And do they like to display their wealth for others to see?
Good in conflict: Is your partner able to apply reason and talk calmly in times of conflict? This displays a sense of self-control where emotions aren’t quickly displayed.
Good at listening: If your partner is able to listen intently and reflect and respond on what is being said, this is a good indicator that they are indeed not a narcissist but also that they are generally a person to maintain a healthy relationship.
Healthy food habit: Abstaining from unhealthy foods is a sign that your partner practices self-control. Since time can be so precious and the temptation to consume foods that are immediately satisfying but have health implications, making time to consider and cook healthy foods makes a strong commitment for self-control.
Having an element of consciousness balances with the self-control of the person. This aspect is the mental association of being balanced and measured. The most important aspect of having a conscientious mental thought pattern is how the person thinking considers other people as well as themselves and doesn’t install themselves necessarily as the focus of all importance. As such, this identifies a strong sense of community.
Self Awareness: Does your partner consider their actions or words before they engage in new social situations? Do they ask a lot of questions and not act too familiar too soon in social interactions? Do they demonstrate a genuine element of politeness and show consideration to other people by keeping doors open after them to allow people through or even see the danger when noticing a shard of broken glass in the street and discard of it? This is strongly indicating a sense of conscientious respect for others.
Understanding: Does this person have a strong impulse to understand others. If this is the case it could be that they see the importance in building better relationships sine they recognize the importance of communities and living among each other.
Boris Dzhingarov graduated UNWE with a major in marketing. He is the founder of ESBO ltd a brand mentioning company. He is also passionate about meditation and healthy living. You can find articles on such topics at his spiritual blog