Special Medal available to American Veterans of World War II
Dear Editor,
Since 2014 the government of France has been awarding their highest medal, the Legion of Honor to veterans that fought to liberate France during the World War II.
Many veterans worldwide have now received this great honor but many veterans may not even know it is available. The Legion of Honor is a very significant official medal that is the highest award granted by France. Living American veterans who saw service in France or directly supported the French liberation campaigns, fighting in one or more of the epic battles including Normandy, Southern France, Northern France and the Ardennes or fought on French soil in other battles may be eligible.
There is no cost or fee involved. If you served in the United States Army, Navy or Air Force and you feel that you may qualify for this award and would like to apply, an application form must be completed and submitted along with certain supporting documents to the Consulate of France within your area. The form and detailed application information can be found on the website of the Consulate of France in San Francisco, http://sanfrancisco.consulfrance.org/spip.php?article2647
For assistance, please contact Guy Black, email korea19501953@yahoo.com and use the subject, American Veteran or send me a letter addressed to Legion of Honor C/O 515 – 95 Moody Street, Port Moody, BC V3H 0H2, Canada.
Please do not send me your completed application. I am an unofficial volunteer and my goal is to make sure as many American veterans as possible receive this important tribute in recognition of their service and sacrifice for the cause of peace and freedom.