Shop Smarter – Why You Should Buy Secondhand Books

There’s no denying that there’s just something about that old book smell! Although some might find it unhygienic, you just can’t beat it when compared to brand-new. Indeed, there’s an undeniable magic and history inside a used book that new books don’t have. If you purchase brand new books instead of thrift shopping, this article might just change your mind and persuade you that used books are always better!

Expensive Books Become Affordable

Many prolific authors sell books at a high cost, especially when there is a series, such as the Harry Potter books or the Roald Dahl collection. Students often struggle with money because they tend to have less income yet are often given a long list of expensive, required schoolbooks. Furthermore, books written by experts that are always useful, yet usually costly instantly become affordable – particularly those that offer invaluable, specialist financial advice, such as option trading tips. Luckily with thrift shopping, they can all still be available, even if money is sparse.

Your Money Will Go Further

Buying secondhand means that your money goes even further because you can buy at least double the number of books for the same price! This surely is more beneficial than spending more for less. You may worry about sacrificing quality for a cheaper price, but it’s a misconception that used literature means a bad book condition as most of them are read once before selling. Conversely, if you come across a well-used book, you may find annotations, giving you a link to the previous owner through a new perspective and useful insight.

It’s Sustainable

Buying secondhand books rather than brand new copies is hugely better for the environment. If you purchase a secondhand book, you’re individually reducing the amount of Co2 used, and reducing your carbon impact. You’re also lowering the amount of paper required and saving on transportation emissions if you buy from a local used bookstore.

You Can Find Hidden Treasures

Often, there are editions of certain books that are no longer printed. This means that if you stumble upon a first-edition book, you have potentially struck a goldmine. Collectors pay high prices for the original published version of certain books so if you shop in secondhand bookstores, you’re more likely to find a rare copy. Not only is this exciting for reading enthusiasts, but it’s also highly profitable.

You Can Make Money

The number of readers who opt for secondhand books is increasing. With the rise of thrift book shopping, selling used books has become popular and financially rewarding. There is an existing legal doctrine that enables you the right to sell any intellectual property, such as books, that you have previously purchased without paying or gaining permission from the author.

Reading is a wonderful way to spend your time and it’s even more rewarding if you buy used books instead of brand-new ones. Pastimes can be expensive, but with thrift shopping, the many benefits of such a valuable hobby are a bonus!