Raving Solo: Some Basic Tips
Deciding to try raving alone is a bold step. It can pay off with some world-class fun and life-long memories, but there’s also an intimidating aspect to it. This is especially true if you’re traveling to a festival far from home. When you’re raving alone, you have total freedom to go at your own pace, follow your tastes, and meet amazing people. When you’re flying solo, though, you have to be aware of the additional responsibilities you have for your own safety.
The following tips can go a long way toward protecting yourself when you’re raving solo. Make use of this advice and you can have a fun, satisfying, safe adventure on your own.
Research The Area
Study your destination in advance and plan ahead to minimize the hassles you have to deal with at festival time. Find affordable accommodations that fit your budget without obliging you to stay in unsafe neighborhoods. Make a list of local emergency phone numbers that you might need and load them into your phone. Find out where the nearest police stations are — nearest to both the venue and your accommodations.
Check-In With Social Media Groups
One great thing about modern raves is that virtually all of them have dedicated social media presence that allows you to connect with other ravers. I’m always heavily involved in the Tomorrowland Facebook group because it’s an invaluable resource for planning and information sharing. You can reach out to other solo ravers online and make arrangements to share camping areas or rides. Participating in a Facebook Event Group (or the equivalent for your festival) is a great way to pick up first-hand information that can’t be found anywhere else.
Keep Your Loved Ones Updated
Don’t be too quick to dismiss this suggestion as schoolkid stuff! No matter how old and resourceful you are, when you’re raving on your own, it’s vital to make sure at least one person who cares about you knows where you are. You needn’t share every intimate detail of your activities — just make sure your contact person knows your planned travel schedule and where you’re staying. Beyond that, a simple daily check-in text will be plenty to keep your contact in the loop.
Make Yourself Helpful To Make Friends
Let’s be honest — a lot of us who head to raves on our own are probably on the shyer end of the spectrum. To ease introductions to new people, stock up on helpful resources to share. Lots of gum, snacks, water bottles, glow sticks from premierglow.com and electronics chargers are a great way to make friends with the ravers around you. Water and chargers will be particularly prized if you’re camping.
Sample A Little Bit Of Everything, Musically Speaking
This is fundamental advice that applies to groups as well as solo ravers: Take the time to check out every stage you can. This will give you a clear understanding of all the different vibes a festival has to offer. The place that feels most comfortable to you is also where you stand the best chances of meeting cool people.
Keep Your Eyes Peeled For Totems And Flags
Totems aren’t just decorative; they’re often used to send out very specific messages you want to catch. It’s increasingly common to run across totems with messages like, “we welcome solo dancers” that are obviously of interest when you’re raving solo. There are also frequently flags or totems gathering in people geographically. You might link up with some new festival friends that you can keep in touch with even after you go home!
Know When To Ask For Help
I’ve never regretted the decision to rave solo, but I’ve been realistic from the start about the extra preparation it takes. Keep a closer eye on your hydration when you’re alone, and trust your gut instincts when it comes to staying safe. As you meet new people, make a habit of collecting phone numbers — don’t hesitate to dial them up if you find yourself in an emergency.
Rave With Confidence!
At first, I was a little embarrassed about raving solo. That didn’t last long! I love the complete freedom that comes with raving by yourself. Trust your instincts, particularly when it comes to your safety, but keep reaching out to your fellow ravers. You never know when you might strike up life-long friendships or become a part of something special!