MAAM WWII Weekend 2016 in black & white
Last weekend (June 3-5, 2016) the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum in Reading, Pennslyvania held its 26th annual World War II Weekend. The MAAM WWII Weekend featured veterans and authors who shared gripping stories about the war. There were vintage automobiles, tanks, jeeps and assorted personnel carriers, along with more than a dozen WWII era aircraft. Also on hand to provide a glimpse of life during the 1940s were hundreds of military and civilian reenactors. Please enjoy this photo roundup by John Dutcher. And check out our color roundup by Lady Camilla.
John Dutcher, LMSW is a licensed psychotherapist and Mental Health Consultant practicing in New York City. His specialty is in emergency mental health and crisis intervention. John enjoys American History and shooting vintage style and street style photography. He attends various history related events throughout the year providing him the opportunity to practice photography, take part in reenactments, and meet people who share in his hobbies. John lives in the New York City Area.