Letter to the Editor: Veteran Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza

Dear Editor,

As a US Air Force veteran, I am deeply troubled by the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Now in its sixth month, Israel’s relentless military campaign has led to the loss of over 34,000 Palestinian lives. These deaths are not mere statistics—they are human beings, families torn apart, dreams shattered, futures obliterated.

The recent air strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen workers – including an American veteran who served in Afghanistan – underscores a pattern of indiscriminate killing perpetrated by IDF commanders. It also reflects a failure of American leadership, because these atrocities are being committed with our weapons. Until our leaders take action, American munitions will continue to be used against civilian families, journalists, and humanitarian aid workers.

I urge President Biden to call for an immediate halt to the hostilities. It is imperative that the U.S. reassesses its role and conditions any further aid on the cessation of attacks and a commitment to peace. Additionally, Congress must ensure that all parties have safe access to provide and receive humanitarian aid, and push for diplomatic efforts to secure the release of hostages and political prisoners.

As a veteran, I understand the importance of protecting civilians and upholding human rights. It’s time our actions reflect our values.

Ch. Lt COl (Ret.) Stephen Tillett

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