Las Vegas Metro Police searching for Frankie Zappia
LAS VEGAS — On August 15th the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department’s Vice Bureau sent out a BOLO (be-on-the-lookout) flyer to area hotel/casinos advising that if “either of these two subjects, Frankie Zappia and/or Samera Long are on your hotel property, please contact Sgt. David 24/7 @ 702-845-4685.
The case number on the flyer, 19080007-6223, indicates it’s in connection with a criminal case that originated on August 7, 2019.
Las Vegas Township Justice Court records indicate that Frankie Zappia was convicted of soliciting/engaging in prostitution on June 2, 2016. Samera Long was convicted of soliciting/engaging in prostitution on July 22, 2019.
On August 9, 2019 Zappia and Long were both charged with soliciting/engaging in prostitution and both were released on their own recognizance on August 10 with a court return date of October 9, court records indicate.
The judicial officer set to hear Long’s case on October 9 is Judge Melanie A. Tobiasson.
Prostitution is illegal in Clark County, Nevada
Many tourists who come to Las Vegas are under the false impression that soliciting and or engaging in prostitution is legal in Clark County, Nevada.
Prostitution is not legal in Nevada counties with 700,000 or more residents and that includes Clark County which Las Vegas sits in. Prostitution is also illegal in Washoe County, which includes the city of Reno, along with Lincoln and Douglas counties and Carson City, the capital of Nevada.
Prostitution is legal in Nevada only at licensed and regulated brothels in counties that allow it. Registered prostitutes must be tested weekly for sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and monthly for HIV and syphilis. Condoms are mandatory. If a customer becomes infected with HIV after a sex worker tests positive, the brothel owner can be held liable.
Streetwalking and other forms of sex for money are illegal everywhere in Nevada, just as it is in every other state.
Prostitutes frequent just about all Las Vegas casinos/hotels and loiter on the premises to pick up customers known as “johns” in the business.
A trick-roll is a term used when a prostitute steals money from a “john.” Trick-rolls occur in a hotel room while the john is sleeping, taking a shower, or is intoxicated from alcohol or drugs. Often times the prostitute covertly adds knock out drops to a johns drink, waits for him to pass out, then loots his room.
Many times the hotel guest will notify security and say that their room was burglarized in the night while they slept, in an effort to conceal their involvement with a prostitute, however, a thorough investigation by security usually uncovers the truth.
Trick rolls are a multi-million dollar business in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas is also a hub for child sex-trafficking and has been such for years.
Frankie Zappia and the 2016 unsolved Land/Kauffman double homicides
Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson told the Baltimore Post-Examiner in a May 2018 on-the-record recorded interview that Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Homicide Bureau Detective Jarrod Grimmett told her that Frankie Zappia, Zappia’s pimp Dominique ‘Domo” Thompson and convicted felon and long-time pimp Shane Valentine, were involved in the October 2016 murders of Sydney Land and Nehemiah “Neo” Kauffman.

“Shane, Domo, and Frankie, whose step-dad is a police officer by the name of Dano Giersdorf, go to Neo’s house and execute Neo and his girlfriend, Sydney Land, whose dad is a fire captain.” “I told you about the detective that was originally on the case, he told me all the evidence they had that showed it was Shane, Domo and Frankie,” Tobiasson said.
Shane Valentine and Dominique Thompson are currently in prison on charges unrelated to the murders.
Frankie Zappia denies involvement in the murders
In 2017 Frankie posted the following on her Facebook page:
“I would like to post this because I feel people need to know….. Sydney Land was my best friend. We did everything together. She knew me better than I knew myself. She was everything to me. I had never met someone like her my whole life. She was always there for me. I was in jail for four months and she’s the only person I wanted to talk to every day. And I did. She never missed a phone call. She was always there. No matter if I was being dramatic or not….. then she passed away….. and everyone felt the need to blame me for it. I’m a 22-year-old girl just like she is, I’m human and I have feelings. Sydney was my everything. She was my bestest friend in the whole world. I would never put her in danger. It’s been a whole year since she left, and till this day people have my name in their mouth just so they have someone to blame. Sydney knows it wasn’t me. Sydney knows I was her biggest fan. Sydney knows how much love I have for her. I cry every day over her. And the fact that people keep saying I had something to do with her passing breaks my heart…..”
Editor’s Note: Listen to Podcast about the murder of Sydney Land and Nehemiah “Neo” Kauffman.
Closing comments
According to the police, Frankie Zappia was the last person to see Sydney Land alive.
If the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department indeed has all the evidence, as Judge Tobaisson said Detective Grimmett told her, that Frankie Zappia, Shane Valentine and Dominique Thompson were involved in the murder of Sydney Land and Nehemiah Kauffman, then I would have to ask why nobody has been charged to date, almost three years after the unsolved murders were committed.
The police have never disputed what Judge Tobiasson said on the record to the Baltimore Post-Examiner. In fact, they seemed to have confirmed what Tobiasson said.
As we reported in our June 27, 2019 story, “Internal Affairs to Land: Las Vegas homicide detective didn’t violate policy when he leaked confidential information to judge”, the LVMPD Internal Affairs Bureau told Connie Land, the mother of Sydney Land, that Detective Grimmett did not violate police policy when he leaked confidential details of the homicide investigation to Tobiasson.
Once again, we have to ask. Care to comment Sheriff Joe Lombardo?

Doug authored over 135 articles on the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas Massacre, more than any other single journalist in the country. He investigates stories on corruption, law enforcement, and crime. Doug is a US Army Military Police Veteran, former police officer, deputy sheriff, and criminal investigator. Doug spent 20 years in the hotel/casino industry as an investigator and then as Director of Security and Surveillance. He also spent a short time with the US Dept. of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration. In 1986 Doug was awarded Criminal Investigator of the Year by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia for his undercover work in narcotics enforcement. In 1991 and 1992 Doug testified in court that a sheriff’s office official and the county prosecutor withheld exculpatory evidence during the 1988 trial of a man accused of the attempted murder of his wife. Doug’s testimony led to a judge’s decision to order the release of the man from prison in 1992 and awarded him a new trial, in which he was later acquitted. As a result of Doug breaking the police “blue wall of silence,” he was fired by the county sheriff. His story was featured on Inside Edition, Current Affair and CBS News’ “Street Stories with Ed Bradley”. In 1992 after losing his job, at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Doug infiltrated a group of men who were plotting the kidnapping of a Dupont fortune heir and his wife. Doug has been a guest on national television and radio programs speaking on the stories he now writes as an investigative journalist. Catch Doug’s Podcast: @dougpoppa1
Ironically Art, who is now married, tells everyone that her sister already committed suicide. I think you may need to check on Ary in Tennessee, just saying….
My question is, what does this article have anything to do with Samera? You guys posted this girls mugshot but this article has nothing to do with her… why?
Shane will get released and come after who again? Interesting because if something happens to anyone after his release clearly Shane had something to do with it. No one cares about his follower ass friends either. They all suck eachrojers dick. And that’s all they do in prison. Shane is a pussy. He had to get put in protective custody while in prison. How will his gangster friends take that
Nobody is interested in who is sucking who’s dick!! Or if Shane is in protective custody or not! If he is its probably because he is snitching. The first one to tell gets the better deal!!
What people do want to know is why all the people who do know how bad Shane is and what he has done claim to be friends with Sydney, but don’t step up and do the right thing! Two people were brutally murdered and everybody knows more than one person was involved. Who needs friends like that!!!! Hopefully, the police never have to notified your mother you were brutally murdered and leave your family without answers!
Or by the way, were you one of the ones who failed to show up at the after party too? That was no coincidence.
Maybe the person leading people (that one person and yes we know who you are) leading people to tell stories that are further from the truth they can be. Actually, I have to wonder if you are the person who wrote back to Dear annonymous.
And maybe the police haven’t figured out your motive yet, but more than one person knows, so if thats you your days are numbered before they do find out! Good luck to you!
Well dick Doug I would give u the same advice (to go sit in church) but the devil already has a spot for u in hell. Lol Connie didn’t care when she was alive tho. So why does she care that she’s gone? All she wants is sympathy. Oh but you’re just sitting behind ur screen as well. Believe halfnof what u hear and ALL of what u see. And you haven’t seen shit. You’re worried about people doing things with their own body why don’t u worry about your own saggy ass body.
Dick sucking Doug. The only person that has to do something with the murders is already in jail. Why don’t you ask her piece of shit mom who actually did it. She’s over here pointing fingers when her daughter hates her. Remember when Connie told her daughter something. Bad was gonna happen to her. She admitted it in the interview. Connie the cunt is what we called her. How’d she know something bad was gonna happen unless she had something to do with it. She’s psychotic just like that ary girl. They al belong in mental institutions with Doug here. Don’t no body care about sounding good or smart. Go suck a dick. Y’all don’t know Frankie or Samera period point blank. Just cause you’re uhly and can’t do what they do don’t be mad booboo. Hoeing has been around since god knows when. So why y’all so concerned about them? Get a life right about someone else. The bolo got called off you idiot fucks
You can hide behind an alias and talk BS all you want. If you read the story again, maybe you will see that Judge Tobiasson said that LVMPD Homicide Detective Jarrod Grimmett told her who committed the Land/Kauffman murders. Tobiasson then told Connie Land. Obviously you are a low life piece of crap otherwise you would not be attacking the mother of a murdered girl. So what, prostitution has been around forever, so has murder and every other crime. The story apparently touched a nerve with you. So you infer that because a female is good looking that justifies her being a prostitute, how warped is that. Prostitutes have ended up murdered, beaten to a pulp by their scumbag pimps, hooked on drugs, and or infected with HIV and other diseases. Not a great lifestyle. You are brainwashed, get help and get out. The BOLO is immaterial, arrest records go back to 2015. Do yourself a favor and go sit in a church and talk to the only person who can help you. You will be better off for it. It’s never too late to change your life.
If you’re so sure the person is sitting in jail that is responsible for the murders why are you not stepping up and giving police reason to keep that person there? Because that person will be released soon, and if you think anybody is safe that knows you’re wrong! The street talk is Frankie knows and that is why her name keeps coming up.
And how low does it go to insult a mother of a murder victim! Common sense tells parents that nothing good will come out of that life style. Never has and never will!
Actually, the whole bunch of you who failed to show up that night at the after party are at risk (street word), so lets see how fast your butts run to police for protection when the person gets out on release soon! Don’t forget that person has a lot of friends who are just like him!
You guys had to pull up records from 2016
Vice is corrupt
Metro is corrupt
Dick sucker Doug poppa types false articles with the same fingers he puts up his boyfriends ass. Go worry about the person who actually killed Sydney and Neo. Because you’re gonna get no where with this. Thanks for serving in the war but you’re still a bitch. Karma’s gonna eat your ass like your boyfriend did last night. Melanie stop getting Botox you’re face is already ugly that won’t help. And srgt Suck a dick David go choke on that Trannys dick you sucked last week.
Bravo! Way to go in hiding your identity when you have something to say. Nothing you said, furthered along anything in this article. Your vulgarity speaks to your ignorance and lack of basic education.
Mrs. Long,
While Frankie may or may not have played a role, your fake news comment tells me your concern maybe very misguided. While I dont know either one of these girls, from an outsider looking in getting a BOLO out for both of them speaks volumes as to your lack of regard for either one of them, considering they both have previous prostitution charges.
I would think as a parent myself, Maybe just maybe, I’m not as involved in my childs life as I thought I was, if that’s the lifestyle they are caught up in? But here’s to fake news and being humble in the fact, that it’s not your child that was murdered and you having to seek assistance in finding the perpetrator(s).
Enabling much?
From reading your comment one could deduct that you are highly intelligent and most likely a pillar of society. That being said, please describe what is false in this article; the arrests record, the LVMPD flyer, Frankie’s denial that she had anything to do with the murders. Please tell us, since you appear to be in the know, what person killed Sydney Land and Nehemiah Kauffman. Here is a little advice. Get out of the game and move forward with your life, nothing good will come of it and way too many freaking deceases out there like HIV and all the rest. Focus your contempt on the slime ball pimps who live off the backs of the women they enslave.
I know Frankie very well and Samira long is my daughter, now I understand what Trump means by fake news!!
Robin tell me what is fake in this story and we will straighten it out. The arrests, the court records, the LVMPD flyer, what is fake? If indeed Samera is your daughter then use all your power and influence and get her to leave that lifestyle. It can only end up bad. And that goes for Frankie also. You can contact me at [email protected] if you so desire. I will be more than willing to talk to you, your daughter and Frankie.
Robin Long,
I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to your daughter or Frankie for that matter. Like the Lands there have been many young girls who have came up missing never to be found or murdered that were in prostitution. It’s obvious both are in prostitution. I don’t know what your relationship is with your daughter, but if it was my daughter and LE had a BOLO for my daughter I would be hunting her down myself and dragging her there. In the least I would do I would be finding where she is at and calling LE and telling them. When parents sit back do nothing its a problem. Your daughter is beautiful and I’d be damn if I would sit back and allow any pimp to pimp out my daughter regardless of the consequences.
LVMPD will do everything and anything to cover up for police misconduct. They did the same thing when a young student was killed by a drunken driver who was provided alcohol by the captain of CCSDP. On the tail end, they rigged the civil lawsuits and intentionally let the statute of limitations expire. Look up the death of Angela Petterson Doug you’ll see similarities in these cases. By the way three police officers ,went to the FBI because the lawyers were running a Federal Rackteering Scheme out of the CBA
You know one day this poor Frankie is gonna commit suicide because no one leaves her alone. I don’t get why these girls can’t suck dick in peace. You guys always come up with the most stupid stories in life. Go sit on a ten inch pole bitch
Why don’t you dirt bag. You sound like a scumbag pimp who is living off the backs of women.
I wonder when bad LVMPD and other co-conspirators will see their version of the “American Gangster”; and the massive houscleaning NYPD and NY did? It should be the biggest RICO case since the FBI was created to deal with the mob. These people are no different, and infact had less class than the real mob. At least they wore nice suits and still had a code of conduct policed internally.
Doug, The trick roll, beat down, brain bleed industry (and related disorder brought on by prostitutes and pimps on the Strip) is far too LUCRATIVE to be genuinely monitored and to have any consistent ENFORCEMENT efforts. I lost my job because my officers and I tried to deal with the pathetic state of affairs that has been tolerated for decades.
When Vice detectives are accused of taking $10,000 per month payoffs, Vice supervisors don’t supervise (or are also involved in the PROTECTION rackets) and when detectives and prosecutors can use their powers to enforce, not enforce, or to orchestrate prosecution against rival pimps then there is a recipe for corruption.
Don’t cross the street. Stand down on Vice enforcement. Don’t report strategic corruption in Vice almost a DECADE ago. Sheriff Lombardo should be totally embarrassed – wait, he supervised Vice and Narcotics and had his chance.