Is this how I am to see you?
To whom so ever you maybe,
I’m still sitting here, so patiently
With your eyes haunting my dreams
And a song, from long ago
This is the time I need to see
The woman I was meant to be
And my tears fall on the pillow case
Making a river of black makeup and lace
While for you I wait.
I can remember a story long ago told
Of a man, whose wings did unfold
And his love came to see
The truth of the man he was meant to be.
Is this how I am to see you?
For whenever I think of you
That man comes to mind
The man who shined so bright it made the whole world blind.
He shined his light and the truth they did see.
Of their hate and greed, sorrow and misery.

Mehr Lamba was raised in the US and was drawn to singing and writing at an early age. Her exposure, at that time, was the great pop legends that helped develop her great passion for music and her thirst for reading fueled her writing, which at the time was short stories. When she returned to India after 12 years, she was thrust into a world of Rock ‘n Roll and was hooked instantly. By the young age of 13, she began to write and compose her own songs with the vocal skills she had picked up over the years. By the age of 18, Mehr began singing different styles, and writing about anything that popped into her head. She attended the Swarnabhoomi Academy of Music in the fall of 2012.