How to Use CBD for Pain and Inflammation
Image by Erin Stone from Pixabay
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound extracted from cannabis in three forms. It can be extracted as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolate. The cannabinoid has for a long time been used in the management of chronic pain. It is a preferred active cannabinoid since it does not cause psychosis effects to users as is the case with THC.
While many people already use various forms of CBD for pain management, the effectiveness of the product is still questionable. The product has not been approved by the FDA for pain or any other major regulatory body. Those who use only base their actions on studies that have linked CBD with reduced pain. So, does it really work?
To fully understand the uses of CBD and whether it can be used for inflammation keep reading. Let’s look at CBD as a whole and find out the best CBD oil for inflammation.
How CBD Helps with Pain and Inflammation
For a long time, cannabinoids were known to link to the endocannabinoid receptors but scientists did not know how they deal with pain or inflammation. Recent studies have now revealed that CBD could also link to other receptors, including the TRPV1 receptor.
According to a recent paper, CBD has been found to have an effect on TRPV1 receptors. This receptor is responsible for sending signals to the brain, leading to the feeling of pain in case of inflammation. The paper shows that CBD leads to the desensitization of the TRPV1 receptor, leading to a reduction in pain.
How to Use CBD for Pain and Inflammation
The application of CBD for pain management can be done in three key ways. The methods of using CBD mainly depend on the available forms of the product. Different companies produce diverse CBD products that can be used differently.
Ways of applying CBD for pain:
- By mouth
- Skin application
- Inhalation
These methods mainly depend on the type of pain to be treated and the form of CBD being used. For the mouth application, it is only foods or pills that can be used while skin applications may require topicals.
- By Mouth: CBD may be swallowed as capsules or consumed through foods and drinks. When CBD is taken by mouth, it follows the natural digestive process as food through the digestive tract. While this method works, it takes time since the compound takes time to be absorbed into the system.
- On the Skin: The other common method of taking CBD is through external application. Topical products such as CBD gels and salves are used in this approach. This approach is recommended for people suffering from arthritis and other conditions that may lead to joint pains.
- Inhaled: The other popular way of consuming CBD is through inhalation. This approach is very popular since it leads to quick absorption. The inhalation is achieved through heating and vaporizing the compound in vape pens and e-cigarettes.
Although all the above methods work to some extent, medical experts warn that the inhalation approach exposes users to unknown risks and should be avoided where possible.
Shelf Life of CBD for Pain and Inflammation
CBD used for pain can come in any form. From topical applications such as lotions to edibles and even pills. This makes it difficult to put an exact date on the expiry date of CBD. In general, all these products are arrived at starting with CBD oil.
While the shelf life of CBD oil can be up to 2 years, edibles and pills have a much shorter shelf life. For certain, check the expiry date of the packaging of the product. All products manufactured by legitimate dealers should indicate the expiry date and have a list of other ingredients.
Case Studies on CBD for Pain and Inflammation
Several studies have linked CBD to the treatment of inflammation and pain. A 2016 study published by NCIB found that administration of 0.6 to 62.3 milligrams of CBD to rats suffering from arthritis reduced inflammation and pain.
A different study in 2017 also showed that both CBD and THC may reduce severe pain from migraines. Further, the study indicates that the product does not display any serious side effects when used.
Benefits of CBD for Pain and Inflammation
CBD has plenty of benefits when it comes to the management of pain and inflammation. Studies have already shown that CBD does not have any serious side effects when used to treat painful conditions. This is just but one among the many benefits that have been found by CBD users.
So why should anyone use CBD for inflammation:
- Acts on pain much faster than most OTC painkillers
- It May be taken in various ways including external application
- It may be used for chronic pain that is a problem to treat with regular painkillers
With all the benefits and the low risk of side effects, many people are finding CBD a better option in the management of various types of pain. It’s however advisable to talk to a health professional for people already on other drugs or those with pre-existing conditions.
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