Five reasons to start using more whole grains in your diet this year

It’s important to be conscious about what we eat these days, particularly in a world where there’s a fast food outlet on every corner, and a pub on every other. Many of us have fallen into the trap of an unhealthy lifestyle just to get through the high intensity of the day, continually rushing around and stressing about work.

It’s driven many of us to McDonalds or to the bottom of the glass, but that’s only adding to the problem. A healthy balanced diet is so important for our mental health, particularly when it comes to eating whole grains.

Whole grains are the king of superfoods and can help in so many areas of our life. In fact, such is their power, they’re even recommended in cocaine rehab and for other drug addiction treatments as a good food to reduce cravings! Of course, not everyone’s hooked on the hard stuff though, so here are five more reasons you should start adding whole grains to your diet…

Nutrient-Rich Goodness

Perhaps the first, and most important reason is that whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and so on are rich in essential nutrients. They offer a great range of vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants which are hugely valuable in supporting our overall health and keeping energy levels high.

Heart Health Boost

Many studies have shown that whole grains are incredibly good for heart health, reducing the risk of heart disease, hypertension and strokes. The high fibre of them is really good for lowering cholesterol levels, maintaining a healthy blood pressure and supporting optimal blood vessel functionality.

Weight Management and Satiety

Battling excess weight can be difficult, but the complex carbohydrates in whole grains release energy gradually, extending the period of time that you have a feeling of fullness and thus reducing the chance of overeating.

This will give you longer-lasting energy and aid in any fitness and weight loss regimes you may be undertaking.

Blood Sugar Regulation

The slow and steady release of glucose into the bloodstream from whole grains can help regulate blood sugar levels much more effectively, reducing the risk of insulin spikes and crashes. Eating whole grains is especially useful for those with diabeties, but is also brilliant for better blood sugar management and metabolic health in general.

Digestive Wellness

Finally, the fiber in whole grains plays a huge part in maintaining a healthy digestive system. We all probably know the usefulness of fiber in promoting regular bowel movements and how it supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

It’s one of the worst feelings of having bad gut health, so reduce that risk by getting some whole grains in your diet. You really will feel the benefit!