Bottled Sorrow
Dark shadowy existence from another plane
And like a shadow he follows the every move of your frame
Chases your soul; subliminal torture for the sane
Destroys the innocent and the guilty; to him it’s all the same
Hunts you down and when he finds you he brings the pain
Exacts his revenge for falling victim to his game
And when you’ve had enough is when he brings the rain
Drowning in your sorrows was his very aim
Finds them at an early age; he finds them easier to train
Introduces them to the game and he is their sage
There’s a certain way he entertains the mundane
For those that try to escape his cage, he releases his rage
Lost souls find solace in him, they let him destroy their brains
And once he’s in their brains, he’s sooo sooo hard to tame
And once he’s done with their brains, it’s their souls he drains
Lost forever in time and space, with no one but themselves to blame
(Photo by Erik Hoffman)

DeWayne Alston, a Baltimore native, graduated from Baltimore City College High School. He is the owner of Soul City Media Network, LLC, the parent company for Soul City Radio for which he serves as the Program Director. DeWayne is an accomplished writer as well, self-publishing two poetry compilations and also serving as the Technology Editor for Baltimore-based lifestyle periodical RazorsEdge Magazine.