Are boobs just body fat?

Where have my boobs gone?!

claireI posted a picture of myself from 10 years ago on Facebook yesterday, looking a little chubbier than I do now. I guess I was about 3/4 of a stone heavier than I am currently (that’s about 4.7 kilos heavier). Definitely rounder in the face, arms less lean…and I know at the time the only real exercise I did was dancing on a Friday and Saturday night!

A much slimmer me.
A much slimmer me.

So one of my instructor friends said she’d seen this picture and had struggled to ‘see’ me in it. Have I really changed so much in 10 years? (I was 28 at the time.)

Yes, I have, and what really gives it away are the boobs. ‘I had boobs then,’ I said to her. ‘Otherwise known as body fat,’ she replied. We giggled, but do you know what, she’s blimmin’ well right. I have no idea what my body fat percentage was back then, but I imagine it was about 10% more than it is now! Now, I’m more muscle – hoorah!

Boobs, who’d have ’em hey…?! 😉



Cricket….it’s a Brit thing, but it’s also good exercise. Batting, bowling, runs…..I think I could get used to it. It’s a fab outdoors team sport, and has shades of baseball to it, so I can see it catching on in America! There is also a lot of standing around tho, and one does feel inclined to eat the grub on hand at the change of an over, so it’s not all good!

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