Benefits of Hiring an Attorney After a Car Accident in San Diego, CA

Sadly, car accidents aren’t an uncommon occurrence in San Diego, with nearly 20,000 people being injured or killed each year. While many of these result in relatively minor injuries, 18% of accidental deaths investigated by the Department of the Medical Examiner in 2020 were caused by traffic and train accidents.

However, the rate of fatal accidents is rising in San Diego and the number of people being hurt due to traffic collisions is still alarmingly high. Due to this, it’s important to know what to do if you’re affected by a car accident and why it’s beneficial to hire an attorney:

1. Liaising with Insurance Companies

Following an accident, it’s likely that you’ll need to contact your own insurance company and the insurance provider of anyone else involved. However, obtaining a payout from an insurance company is notoriously difficult and many people end up accepting far less than they are entitled to. When you have a San Diego car accident attorney acting on your behalf, you can ensure that they’re able to fight your corner and help you to obtain the money you deserve.

2. Establishing Your San Diego Car Accident Case

If you’ve been involved in a traffic accident in San Diego, you’ll want to know whether you’re eligible to take legal action against the person responsible. California personal injury law is a complex area, which is why specialist car accident attorneys in the San Diego area are in such high demand. With expert advice from lawyers and attorneys, you can establish whether the facts of the case give you the right to make a compensation claim and, if so, what the next steps are.

3. Presenting Evidence To Prove Your Claim

To make a successful claim, you’ll need to prove how the accident occurred, who was at fault, and what impact the incident has had on you. This can mean collating and presenting medical evidence, as well as gathering evidence from that relates to the scene of the accident. Fortunately, car accident attorneys have the requisite experience and expertise to determine what type of evidence is most powerful and know how it should be presented to support your claim.

4. Negotiating a San Diego Car Accident Settlement

Few compensation claims actually make it to court following a car accident. Instead, people typically come to a settlement agreement before a trial date is set. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t inadvertently agree to a settlement offer that’s far too low and your car accident lawyer will be able to help you come to a decision. When a lawyer is negotiating on your behalf, you can expect to receive a higher offer than if you’re managing the claim alone, which will strengthen your position and help you to maximize the amount of compensation you receive.

Dealing with the Aftermath of a Car Accident in San Diego, CA

The weeks and months following an accident can be stressful, particularly if you’re recovering from physical injuries or dealing with emotional trauma. By working with a talented auto accident lawyer in San Diego, however, you can focus on recovering from the ordeal and be confident that your claim is being expertly managed.