Baltimore’s Historic Woodberry revisited

Woodberry is located to the west of Baltmore’s Jones Falls Expressway, while its cousin neighborhood, Hampden, is on the east side of the expressway. It dates to around 1790. Then, the renowned Quaker and business man, Elisha Tyson, constructed a grist mlll at the site. He called it “Woodberry Mills.”
More mills, some manufacturing iron and others cotton, quickly followed. At one time, according to local history, “4,000 people” worked there and lived in the surrounding area. To learn about the current situation in Woodberry,  click here.
Elisha Tyson, besides running a “successful mill business,” was also one of the leading Abolitionist of his day. He worked had to contribute to the betterment of all the people. Unlike the notorious Koch Brothers, who wake up in the morning, and reportedly say: “How can I screw the working class and the poor?,” Quakers, such as Tyson, did just the opposite. Bless the memory of Elisha Tyson and his Quaker associates. To find out more about Mr. Tyson, go here.
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