What Does Science Have to Say about the 5 Most Sought after body Aesthetic Treatments

North America is the largest market for non-surgical treatments. The industry offers a wide range of treatments which can be carried out to enhance physical appearance and overall well-being. And it’s no wonder the demand for aesthetic treatments has bloomed in the last 20 years or so. However, with this comes a number of questions from what constitutes beauty and what are the motivations behind patients’ decisions to undergo such a treatment, and equally, important the safety and effectiveness come into the conversation as well.

We live in a world where we are over flooded with information and options which makes it difficult to know what to believe, which brands to trust and what treatments to pursue. SharpLight is one of the leaders in med-aesthetic technology development and a widely recognized name across Canadian medical aesthetic and cosmetic businesses, and our focus on the science sits at the very core of all activities and developments. Whilst we cover a broad spectrum of treatment, it is vitally important to know and understand what research has to say in order for anyone to make the right decision for their needs.

It has been proven that radio frequency (RF) and infrared light (IF) based treatments can drive the appropriate reaction by using different types of energy to offer a controlled tissue response. A third novel option is known as intense pulsed light and it is most popularly used for facial aesthetic treatments rather than whole-body ones, however, an increasing body of research is pinpointing to its potential benefits beyond that.

Reducing cellulite

Cellulite is incredibly common among women of all ages. As a matter of fact, about 95% of all women have it regardless of weight or body type. Exactly because of how common it is, there are a number of treatments out there claiming to reduce it substantially. Typically, there are three steps anyone who wishes to get rid of cellulite needs to follow: improving collagen production, reducing the actual fat and increasing overall blood circulation.

Contouring bodies

Having developed as a more convenient, accessible and less invasive alternative to liposuction, body contouring has seen its fair share of popularity growth in recent years. The trend is believed to have gained traction due to the shows put up by the Kardashian family or Love Island. RF works by generating heat in various tissues by transforming energy through the basic mechanisms of electromagnetic field and a number of studies have pointed at its success. In a study of 39 females, it was revealed that just four weeks after the final RF session, significant circumference reduction of the abdomen and thigh regions was obtained.

Tightening the skin from across the body

While it is more popularly known at saggy skin, laxity occurs over long periods of time as collagen and elastin fibers start to break down. The way RF works here is by being able to cool the outer layer of the skin while simultaneously heating the deeper ones, causing skin to tighten. When it was first introduced to the market as an alternative to highly invasive and risky cosmetic surgery, RF changed the paradigm on how we address skin laxity – regardless of where it is on the body. One U.S. study evaluated its effects over a course of six treatment sessions every two weeks. Of the 30 patients who participated, 27 showed evidence of substantial clinical improvement.

Vein Removal

Varicose veins are incredibly common and up to recently, those who wanted to get rid of them had to undergo surgical treatment which came with a number of side effects and complications, including pain and swelling, scarring and in worse cases, even thrombosis or nerve damage. Further to this, in some cases, the varicose veins reappeared meaning further surgical treatment was required. Here, RF has made great strides in managing to successfully close off the veins with lesser side effects.

Vascular Lesions

Vascular lesions are typically asymptomatic. They vary in size from a couple of millimeters to a few centimeters and can lead to asymmetries across the body. These anomalies can occur throughout the whole body, with the majority (60%) being most commonly found around the head and neck region. There are a number of treatment pathways usually recommended, including surgical excision, however, one in particular namely pulsed light treatment has been gaining popularity due to no downtime being involved and eliminating the harsh side effects associated with other treatments. The therapy works by targeting and applying light to affected areas thus coagulating the blood and managing to restore appeal within a couple of weeks.