Top 3 Trends for B2B Lead Generation 2020

It seems like we have been waiting forever for 2020 to arrive, but now that it’s here how many of us are actually ready for the shifts and changes it is bringing to small business? If you are feeling the pressure ready to hustle, but not sure what to do about lead generation in the new decade, read on for the TOP trends for 2020.

Let’s jump right in.

Lead Generation is hands down the bread and butter of your business. Unfortunately, many of us are still utilizing old processes and expecting new results. Time to catch up fast.

Trend #1: Content

I can hear the groans now but content is driving the market as more and more people are looking for research-driven, quality pieces that are actually worth reading. B2B marketing should be the hub for this type of content as CAC’s skyrocket, well thought out persona-driven content with the right KPI’s is a trend that is not going anywhere soon.

Be sure to check that your content meets the following criteria:

  • Useful and Usable

  • Memorable and Quotable

  • Inspires Action

  • Findable and Shareable

The worse type of content is content that takes up space and not much else. In B2B, this can mean a simple death sentence. Pro Tip: Evergreen Content or content that always maintains its usefulness is the benchmark and will increase conversions, glean higher ranking on SERP’s, not to mention brand awareness and loyalty.

Trend #2: Visual Content

The written word is thankfully not dead but this is still 2020. The digital age is not slowing down and people expect and require various forms of visual content. This is by no means a new idea but many B2B agencies are not putting enough thought and marketing efforts into this critical communication.

Video is specifically dominating although images and infographics are also a must. In the video, stay away from impersonal sales pitches and instead offer interesting, informative, and entertaining content your partners are actually going to want to watch and share.

Utilize lead generation companies uk to ensure top-quality content that is fully optimized will reach your client. As Justin Summers, Biz Dev Strategist for Epicosity says “Affinity-focused video, video for entertainment or education has the power to bring a customer or a lead into your funnel on their own accord – no pushy sales talk or product demos.”

Trend #3: AI & Personalization 

AI may have been on the radar for most in 2019, but in 2020 it had better be on everyone’s to-do list for lead generation especially. More and more companies are including chatbots, interactive content, and machine learning to capture their specific audience and access another important trend, personalization.

Knowing our customers and delivering to specific personas is THE future. With B2B lead gen you can’t afford to be out-done by some other companies SaaS. If you want to surpass the competition get automated fast!

Take Away

Don’t let the New Age intimidate you. Instead, utilize these trends to continue delivering phenomenal product, information, and resources in the most time-effective way. Reach out to a lead generation companies UK today!