This Board Game Offers Boomers a Nostalgic Trip Down Memory Lane

Baby Boomers shared some of the most interesting times in history. The 50s, 60s, and 70s were full of interesting cultural landmarks and fascinating experiences that the Baby Boomers lived through together. And now a newly released board game is offering baby boomers a chance to get together with their friends and take a trip down memory lane, with plenty of laughs along the way.

Released in 2020, Boom Again is a pop culture trivia board game designed by baby boomers, for baby boomers. The game comes packed with over 2.200 questions covering everything from advertising slogans and jingles to politics and social movements. With lots of music to sing, classic TV to remember, and movies from the era.   Playing triggers an avalanche of nostalgia and a chance to play and sing with friends. It is unlike S.A.T.-style trivia games  from the past. 

As the company behind the game explains, Boom Again is “a box loaded with fun. And the answers to all those questions are accessible, not impossible. Boomers have already lived the answers!. We call it “a pop culture trivia game.”  We filled it with memories, and old songs, and even a few “forehead slaps” when players hear answers that of course they actually do remember.

  It turned out even players from the younger generation are enjoying it.

How Boom Again Works

Every Boom Again game comes packed in a “cigar box” like the ones baby boomers had as kids.   The authentic tokens include things like a metal roller skate key, a JFK election button, and four other high-quality tokens.  The rules are short and simple to learn..  . Put the tokens onto the board, pull a card from one of two boxes stuffed with 2400+ questions, and have a laugh. 

The game is played by splitting the players into two teams since added memory power makes the content even more accessible. Teams compete for the tokens on the board. each correct answer getting closer to snagging that category token.  The first team to get three tokens wins. 

The man behind the game

Boom Again is another in a series of successful board games put together by veteran game designer Brian Hersch who also created Taboo, Outburst, Malarkey, Super Scattergories, and more.  All party games – but not based on obscure trivia. A boomer himself, Brian realized that pop culture memories from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s would be more easily recalled and more fun. Boom Again reflects both his game expertise and his baby boomer experiences; even the cigar box the game comes in is an idea he took from his own childhood. Since Brian, too, had a cigar box filled with memories and cool treasures in his youth.

His original cigar box got lost as the years went by. But now with Boom Again, Brian and the rest of the team were able to offer the world a similar box of treasures, filled with nostalgia and fond and fun memories.