The Little Dollhouse Company: A Delightful Place for Getting doll Houses

There is no doubt that toys are the best companions for children across the world. Toys make them happy, keeps them engaged, and makes sure that they stay active and creative. The toys also convert them to become a better adult. However, there are only a handful of toys that stokes the imaginative power of the children. The toymakers of The Little DollHouse Company think that the dollhouses are one of the handsful of the toys that can open up a sea full of opportunities in front of the children.

Even though the dollhouses are meant for the children, over the years it has become a status symbol for the adults as well. The only catch is that you have to find a reputed and dependable dollhouse store to buy the ones that fulfill the requirements of your children or showcase your aristocracy in the right way.

Being one of the oldest and largest dollhouses and miniature stores of Ontario, Canada, Little Dollhouse Company offers the best quality dollhouses for you and your children. The dollhouses that the toymakers of the company create are just like the miniature version of the real houses. Here are some more details about the dollhouses that our company offers to the customers.

Which Doll House To Choose

Even though the number of different types of dollhouses available in the market it often becomes difficult for the parents or the collectors to choose the right one. The toymakers of The Little Dollhouse Company recommend that people should always choose the doll houses where they can move the figures from one space to the next. Flexible doors and windows are other things that they should opt for.

Different Types of Doll Houses

The toymakers of Little Dollhouse Company create different types of dollhouses that meet the requirements of buyers from different walks of life. Here are some of the variety that one can find in our Ontario shop.

Small and portable Dollhouse

These types of dollhouses are simplistic and come with little to no embellishments. Most of the time, these dollhouses come without any painted colors to genderize the toys as well.

In short, this type of dollhouse offers your child the maximum scope of utilizing their vivid imagination. They can turn the dollhouse into a home one day, and if the fancy strikes, they can turn it into a hospital the very next day. As this dollhouse is portable, you can pack it up and take it with you while you travel with your children.

Traditional Wooden doll’s House

The traditional wooden dollhouse of The Little DollHouse Company reflects the image of traditional family homes. These types of dollhouses come with separate rooms and consist of more than one storey. The toymakers of Little Doll House Company often make wide and long staircases, as the children love to move their toy figurines up and down.

Generally, these dollhouses come with some paintwork on the exterior of the house that depicts the traditional features of a house, as the window seals or bricks. The door frames and gates are often painted as well. However, the toymakers of Little Dollhouse Company do not paint the houses in overtly gendered colors. You can choose a well-furnished house or a house without any furniture. In the latter case, you should take a look at our inventory of miniature furniture and lighting settings to choose the ones that go with your house the best.

Grand Doll’s House

The grand dollhouse generally has a victorian era grandeur to it. The outside of such houses is heavily ornate while the inside is divided into three to four levels unfurling the family life of the miniature residents.

While most of the customers cannot afford the palatial toy houses at their home, you can, of course, check out our mid-sized Victorian houses. These houses offer the children an excellent backdrop of storytelling and fantasy that stokes their power of imagination. If you are a collector, then the ornated house will definitely help you to grab the attention of your guests.