Thank You Mr. Trump

Thank you, Mr. Trump: For Making America Greedier, Again—MAGA’s real meaning as it plays out across America.

Thank you, sir, for the massive tax cuts for the many millionaires and billionaires, who are top-heavy for a market-based economy, where everybody pays the same sales taxes—rich or poor, a regressive form of taxation Republicans are not against. But on income tax—the poor and middle class do the jobs and get some pay for doing most of what makes America works, while the ultra-wealthy and corporations suck the system dry, for all they care, paying little to nothing on taxes. Economic exploitation of our capitalistic system.

The poor and middle-class pay for everything while the wealthy and ultra-wealthy continue raping the vitality out of our great nation. This must end. Welfare for the wealthy will end under the Biden Administration.

Thank you, sir, for ordering your “troops” on Jan. 6, 2021, armed and violent, to attack our Capitol Building. An insurrection. The first time an American “president” ordered that in order to overturn an election

Thank you, Mr. Trump, for screaming at Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley during rioting, ordering him to use the U.S. military right then to “kill them. Now!” Trump wanted the protestors killed, and General Milley refused. But thank you for that moment of superpatriotism, Mein Fuhrer. I mean, Trump.

Thank you for murdering an Iranian general with a drone missile over Iran, illegally without Congressional or any other approval, and it almost started a war with that country. Very good move to start a massive war.

And thank you for standing beside America’s Dr. Evil—Vladimir Putin—at the Helsinki Summit, holding hands and singing songs about your new love affair with our old pain in the butt. And now a madman threatening nukes.

Was convicted in the rape trial, convicted on all 34 counts in the criminal hush money trial–awaiting sentencing; owes NY state half a billion dollars with almost a million a week in interest accruing even as you sleep–if you can.

Thank you for the longest presidential temper tantrum of all time–the longest government shutdown ever, ordered by you in effect just so you could pretend to get your idiotic border wall. The U.S. Coast Guard went without pay for more than a month due to your insanity and ego and incompetence. They had to beg for food. The greatest lifesaving service in the world. Begging.
And thank you, Trump Americans, for climbing inside for an eight-year ride on his crazy train. Now you want off?

Vote Biden and you have a ticket to freedom. Your democracy, secure. Trump openly admires and quotes Adolf Hitler, and wants to open big concentration camps across the country to house illegal immigrants–like Hitler did the Jews and unwanted during WW II.

During the border crisis when he was in office, Trump said he wanted the U.S. authorities to start shooting and killing the illegals, as they stood on the other side, and he wanted the Rio Grande filled with alligators, snakes, saying all kinds of insane things–to his people.
It’s happening again, and the new Hitler stands ready for command.

Are you going to let him?!!! The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states clearly that the insurrectionist cannot hold office.

If we let him in, say goodbye to the Constitution.

Say hello to global war. Famine. Divisions. Violence across America. All kinds of hell. Maybe even nuclear war.

You can vote out of fear if you want, but never fear to vote.


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