Problems with weightloss: Boobs disappear
Oh, once upon a time I was nicknamed Busty McGill, which led on to me being called Busty McGiggle, which was a super great nickname to have. Then came fitness and weight loss, and as my boobs disappeared, so did my nickname.
That was me on the right when I was a bit of a porker (six months after giving birth). But just look at those bosoms! Wowsers! I am now three bra sizes smaller!
And this is the honest problem with weight loss. I sort of miss those jugs (and I know someone else who does!!). But you can’t really work out to full effect with things knocking about, getting in the way.
I don’t know anyone who is fit and slim who really has boobs, unless they are of the fake / paid for variety, much like a woman who I’ve Zumba’d with. I have been mesmerised by the way nothing actually moves when she dances, even in the most cardio of routines – and believe me, I’ve tried to pump up the choreography to see if there is even a hint of a jiggle – there isn’t.
So it’s bye, bye curves and boobs, and hello muscles and trim bits; such is as it has to be.
All in moderation
The other issue is moderation of food, exercise and sleep.
Food – I understand food and what it does to your body, how it makes you feel, why eating three meals a day and ‘cleaning your plate’ isn’t necessarily always the best thing, even if it is ingrained in us as children. I know now the difference between good fats and bad fats, and wasted calories and all sorts. But when you have lost weight, maintenance is probably harder than losing, only because you’re going nowhere – you’re stagnating, and then if you go up a few pounds, it’s like ‘oh no, what have I done, I ate a bread roll/massive bowl of ice cream, finished my child’s nuggets‘ etc. Sigh.
Exercise – I know how this works and affects me now – and I like it v v much, but too much can take its toll and my body yearned for time out over Christmas, and so I gave it a well-earned rest, which in turn gave me more energy to bring on the new year fitness regime. Rest. It is underrated!
Sleep – which brings me on to sleep. How I love to sleep. And now I know why. I makes me feel better, look better, eat better. Lack of sleep makes me grumpy, have bags under my eyes (even the most expensive eye cream cannot banish the bags), and if I am tired I eat very, very badly. There is hormone called ghrelin which kicks in when you have too little sleep, and this ‘gremlin’ makes you feel hungry. So, it’s all very scientific and wotnot.
Claire Bolden McGill is a British expat who lived in Maryland for three years and moved back to the UK in August 2015. Claire wrote about her life as a British expat on the East Coast and now works in travel and hospitality PR in the UK. She still finds time to blog about her repatriation and the reverse culture shock that ensued – and she still hasn’t finished that novel, but she’s working on it. You can contact Claire via twitter on @clairebmcgill or via her blog From America to England.
Yeah maintaining is a nightmare especially in winter when all you really want is cheese on toast and hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. It’s easier to lose weight when you have lots to lose. But I am trying! Emma