Pentagon UFO Report Not the Whole Story
Is something missing from the Pentagon UFO report? (Image by David Mark from Pixabay)
BERKELEY, Calif. , June 29, 2021.
The report released on June 25 by the Pentagon on unidentified aerial phenomena or “UAPs,” popularly known as unidentified flying objects or “UFOs,” is definitive on only one point—that UAPs do not originate from American military or advanced U.S. government technology. According to British futurist Benjamin Creme (1922-2016), author of The Gathering of the Forces of Light: UFOs and their Spiritual Mission, UFOs are spaceships coming from other planets in our solar system, Share International has revealed.
Based on his longstanding work for and with those he calls our “space brothers,” Creme explains that the ships and their occupants are normally invisible to us because they exist on a higher physical plane than our dense physical. That is, they vibrate at a higher frequency. However, they are able to lower their vibration at will, so they can be seen within our visual spectrum when they choose. Thus they can seem to appear and disappear instantaneously.
The UFOs are here to help us, according to Creme, by neutralizing as much nuclear and other toxic pollution as possible—much of which he claims cannot yet be measured by our scientific instruments because it, too, exists at higher frequencies. Luis Elizondo, former Director of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, confirms that UAPs are often seen around nuclear weapons and energy sites. Rather than classify them as a national security threat, however, Creme submits that we should regard them as friends—not foes—because they are performing an important and beneficial service for us.
In a related story, Creme announced publicly on December 12, 2008 that a large, brilliant, “star-like luminary” would soon appear around the world, visible both night and day. Starting in January 2009, ever-increasing sightings of the “star” have been reported in Share International magazine, the media, and on YouTube, along with questions about its origin and meaning. The “star,” Creme explains, is actually four spaceships from Mars, Venus and Jupiter, positioned around the Earth so they can be seen everywhere. They serve as a sign of the imminent appearance of the World Teacher for our time, he says, and are part of a powerful effort by the forces of light to help us at this critical time for humanity and the planet.
Another manifestation of UFO activity is the ongoing appearance of crop circles around the world. Creme asserts that each UFO-created circle is a vortex of magnetic energy, drawing energy in and radiating it to the surrounding area. Together they form an interrelated grid that, combined with electrical energy from the sun, will in the future become a source of free, unlimited, safe power for all our needs.
More information is available from Gerard Aartsen, a Dutch academic, independent UFO researcher, former Share International co-worker, and author of six authoritative books on UFOs. To schedule an interview with Mr. Aartsen in Amsterdam, call Jason Francis at 510-883-1848 or visit
Information about Share International and the emergence of the World Teacher is here.
As we Americans’ awaken from a deep sleep, we begin to realize that the US is neither the pinnacle of all nations, and that Humanity is not the only intelligent life in a Universe of trillions of stars. This is very fortunate, indeed, as our technological advances have too often outstripped our moral acumen.
In the past, we Americans have focused on acquiring more and more things. Yet both frustrated desires and fear of loss have led to anger and fears of all kinds. Up until now, we Americans have too often projected our own aggression onto others, calling them “aliens”—whether they were immigrants from the Southern border (whose lands were seized in 1848), or beings depicted in Hollywood that were assumed to be as bellicose as ourselves.
The problem is that we have failed to imagine from a place of love. Isn’t it time to open our hearts and minds to diverse life forms on our planet–and abroad? There is so much to learn. And there is no time to waste.