Mistakes committed while creating PDF files from PDF readers
When it comes to PDF readers, they offer much more than just letting you access and view PDF documents, they let you create them too. Creating PDF files from scratch is a useful option as you can prepare reports and even add graphics to them.
However, while most of the PDF readers let you create PDF files, you might end up making mistakes while doing so without even knowing it. Yes, you did read it right.
Now do not get confused. Creating PDF files is not a very complex task. In fact, it only takes a few seconds to do the job. But, still, people make mistakes due to a lack of knowledge on how to use and create PDF documents.
Here are the mistakes that people make while creating PDF files from PDF readers:
Not Adjusting Font Size According To The Length
When you’re creating a document that has a lot of content then you need to consider the font size if you wish to make it look readable.
People work hard to create lengthy reports and often send them to their superiors or teachers. They don’t even realize that the text is unreadable because they didn’t change the font size and it made the page layout awful.
Larger documents should have smaller fonts ranging between 9 to 12. This is the perfect font size because it doesn’t alter the layout of the page and makes it readable and presentable as well.
However, if you want bigger font, then you will have to work on the layout accordingly. Most PDF readers let you do that so make sure to preview your files before you send them to others.
Not Using High Resolution Images
While PDF readers let you use images in PDF files, it is vital that you choose pictures with high resolution.
The reason for this is simple. A image with poor resolution may appear okay when viewed on a small screen, such as a mobile device, however, when you view it on a bigger screen, such as a projector or a laptop, you may notice poor pixels, and that may ruin the whole impact.
Therefore, make sure you use high quality images only when creating PDF documents.
Poor Formatting
A document with poor formatting can instantly divert anyone’s attention. A lot of people forget to format the document with proper headings, colors and other formatting elements. This makes the document look bad and unattractive.
Always choose variable font size for headings and paragraphs to make your document look more readable.
Use images, if necessary.
Add comments and even highlight important phrases so that it can attract the attention of the reader.
Also, use a good tool that offers greater feature. For example, Soda PDF is a good choice. It comes with Soda PDF ocr that makes the job easier.
These are some of the mistakes that are committed by many people who use PDF readers regularly. Just be a bit careful, and you can easily avoid all of them.
Very informative post. I have learned a lot from this post.