Las Vegas Metro Police announce Hendrex fired one month after Baltimore Post-Examiner broke story
LAS VEGAS — On June 6 the Baltimore Post-Examiner broke the story that Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Field Training Officer Cordell Hendrex was no longer employed by the department.
In our story, ‘Las Vegas Metro Police: Officer Cordell Hendrex who failed to take action during Massacre no longer employed’, I reported that Hendrex was no longer employed with the department according to three Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Communications Center operators who I had spoken to.

On June 4 the Post-Examiner sent an email to the LVMPD Public Information Office (PIO) requesting verification as to whether Hendrex was or was not an active member of the LVMPD. Per usual, LVMPD provided no response.
On June 5, I called back the Communications Center twice to confirm what the operator on June 4 had said. On both separate occasions, two different operators said Hendrex was not in the database and was not with the department.
I then called the LVMPD PIO and asked them if someone would be getting back with me to confirm if Hendrex was still employed with the LVMPD. I did not hear back and the Baltimore Post-Examiner ran the story on June 6.
My story was shared over 3, 700 times on social media, and viewed more than 4, 000 times on LinkedIn.
The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that LVMPD spokesman Larry Hadfield confirmed Tuesday night that Hendrex was fired on March 20. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Rachel Crosby also was tipped off about our story from one of our readers. She wrote the story about Hendrex and then took credit for breaking it.
On Wednesday the LVMPD released the following statement:
The LVMPD’s Office of Public Information has received numerous inquiries regarding the employment status of Officer Cordell Hendrex. Hendrex was terminated from LVMPD effective March 20, 2019 for performance of his duties. This case is currently in arbitration and therefore no further comment will be made. Hendrex date of hire was May 20, 2007. On 1 October he was assigned as a Field Training Officer at Convention Center Area Command.
That statement confirms that the LVMPD knew on June 4 when I sent them the media request that Hendrex had already been fired over two months prior on March 20, yet they failed to respond not only to my email request but also to my telephone call the following day.
This has been on an ongoing problem with the Baltimore Post-Examiner and the LVMPD PIO. LVMPD does not recognize online news publications as legitimate news operations and will not provide press credentials to those organization that do not have a print publication. The Post-Examiner has more than 100 reporters contributing content and even President Barack Obama penned a story for the Baltimore Post-Examiner after we traveled to Cuba.
They fail continuously to respond to any of our media requests as was most recently pointed out in my June 2 story ‘Former Las Vegas cop’s stepdaughter involved in unsolved murder case: Judge claims’.
In that story I quoted a media request that I had sent to the LVMPD on June 30:
“The Baltimore Post-Examiner has sent numerous media requests to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Public Information Office for comment on stories relating to the Land/Kauffman unsolved 2016 double murders. The BPE has never received a reply on any of our requests.”
The Baltimore Post-Examiner was told by the LVMPD PIO that the LVMPD PIO does not recognize online news publications and denied our request for press credentials and to this date, the BPE is not included on the notification list for LVMPD upcoming press briefings.
Why is it that the LVMPD spokesman commented to the Nevada Current, which is an online news publication, but fails continually to comment to the Baltimore Post-Examiner which is also an online news publication?
The Baltimore Post-Examiner has published more than 135 stories on the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas Massacre — more than any other single investigative journalist in the country.
I have appeared on national television and radio programs commenting on my stories about the Las Vegas Massacre and other topics.
My experience as a former criminal investigator gives me insight and perspective in the stories that few other journalists have.
Most recently, my stories on the 2016 Land/Kauffman unsolved murders have uncovered what appears to be corruption and misconduct surrounding that case.
Apparently, my stories have touched a nerve with some at the LVMPD.
On April 1 I was advised by Sgt. Mike Fletcher of LVMPD Homicide by email, “Mr. Poppa, Please remove me from your auto recipients list for any future articles.”
On Wednesday I informed the LVMPD PIO that the Baltimore Post-Examiner is requesting under FOIA and Nevada Public Records Act, the completed unredacted report on officer’s actions on the night of the Massacre, that police sources have stated that the department has completed.
The Baltimore Post-Examiner has been told that Hendrex was not the only officer who failed to act that night and that Lombardo is covering up to save face with the public.
We are currently investigating those allegations.
In the meantime you may want to read our July 5, 2018 story, ‘Hendrex may have not been the only cowardly cop, law enforcement sources say.’
Or you can wait until the so-called Las Vegas media writes about what we broke months later after they finish their latest UFO report. But those who want to know what is happening in Las Vegas will turn here to find the truth.
A Post-Examiner reader who was fed up with the Vegas media put it this way: “If you want to know what is really going on in Las Vegas, you have to go to Baltimore.”
Stay tuned.
Editor’s Note: Listen to Doug Poppa on the Trevor Carey Show.

Doug authored over 135 articles on the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas Massacre, more than any other single journalist in the country. He investigates stories on corruption, law enforcement, and crime. Doug is a US Army Military Police Veteran, former police officer, deputy sheriff, and criminal investigator. Doug spent 20 years in the hotel/casino industry as an investigator and then as Director of Security and Surveillance. He also spent a short time with the US Dept. of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration. In 1986 Doug was awarded Criminal Investigator of the Year by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia for his undercover work in narcotics enforcement. In 1991 and 1992 Doug testified in court that a sheriff’s office official and the county prosecutor withheld exculpatory evidence during the 1988 trial of a man accused of the attempted murder of his wife. Doug’s testimony led to a judge’s decision to order the release of the man from prison in 1992 and awarded him a new trial, in which he was later acquitted. As a result of Doug breaking the police “blue wall of silence,” he was fired by the county sheriff. His story was featured on Inside Edition, Current Affair and CBS News’ “Street Stories with Ed Bradley”. In 1992 after losing his job, at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Doug infiltrated a group of men who were plotting the kidnapping of a Dupont fortune heir and his wife. Doug has been a guest on national television and radio programs speaking on the stories he now writes as an investigative journalist. Catch Doug’s Podcast: @dougpoppa1
Read it for yourself and you will better understand how the system works:
Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors
Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, and Pals Accused of Sex-Trafficking Ring
As The Daily Beast previously reported, Epstein faced life behind bars for his alleged sex acts with minors but walked away with a slap on the wrist, pleading guilty to two state charges: solicitation of prostitution and procurement of minors for prostitution. The 66-year-old financier served 13 months of his 18-month sentence in a private wing of a Palm Beach jail and was allowed to leave on “work release” for 16 hours each day.
I’ve been laughing since way before the New Year Poppa Smurf! Your gifts while certainly re-giftable, are to have everyone love you one day, hate you the next, pretend that they never heard of you, yet you’re the only person who managed to get PIO Carla Alston to speak to the Press and in the Press for the very first time in her career!
You do owe a number of sources who trusted you with their info your sincerest thank you sir. You still possess info that no other writer in the universe has, you broke points of view which spun Metro & FBI here right into the wall outta Turn One and still no mention of a Pulitzer for you when I have hundreds of those laying around here! Suffice it to say I had Brunch with Jesus this AM and you are comped right into Heaven good sir! That Cosby woman will not be joining you there if that’s any comfort to you! Judge Tobiasson placed some things into the public realm regarding you which were not only patently unfair to you, but which sank her AB20 2019 from our 80th Legislative Session. just concluded last month too.
If I might suggest to you sir, let’s get you to invite me along with you on a little road trip to Cali because our only Vice Scandal Indictee may be whacked at any moment now! She was the former Sunrise nurse who fell hard for Jamal Rashid—Malle Mall—who is still a free man today! I’ll send you a little something you should know perhaps they hadn’t informed you about…
You did well Doug, very well…now you need a Book Editor!
Investigative Reporter Doug Poppa
It is easy to understand and sympathize with your frustration and dissatisfaction with major mainstream media and the LVMPD.
Thanks to the internet, the timeline clearly shows how you were first to break these stories.
If it is of any comfort, you are not alone.
Another excellent investigative reporter in NYC, Len Levet was a police reporter with a press pass But when the NYPD COMMISSIONER Didn’t like what he was reporting, ie the truth, the Commish simply pulled Levet’s press pass. (See NYPD CONFIDENTIAL)
The corruption is covered up and the truth is hard to come by. The Police and the Media are complicit in these matters, thusly giving credence to President Trump’s in-site, “FAKE NEWS “
Do not be discouraged, keep up your good work and bring us the REAL NEWS.
Thanks to you and The Baltimore Post Examiner for posting.
Coming from the most famous police officer in American history, that means so much Frank. All law enforcement officers should have you as their role model. You stood up for integrity, honor and professionalism in police work and you paid a heavy price for it throughout your life. Any cop that hates you is either corrupt themselves or has family/friends who are/were corrupt. You are a true American hero, a living legend.
We both know, they still read your articles, because you are the only one thats had the true expirence to read thru all the nonsense. Smdh, they know its true and want to ignore you, because you have spilled the beans on their facing face. They seem to forget, had they just come out and admitted their mistakes, the public could forgive their errors; mistakes happen. This is no longer mistakes but a CYA job at the top. The lack of transparency, and failures since to do the right thing and just be honest, falls in their laps. They have noone else to blame.
Rachel seems like a nice young lady but to take credit is totally disingenuous. How the media can play this game is total garbage and just shows how in the pockets they are of MGMRI and LVMPD. Its a good thing for them, that their bosses dont mind this nonsense, because a real leader of any organization should fire their asses, in every media outlet that failed on the1 Oct event, to tell the truth. One day all of this will come to light for the masses to hear, and when it does, they all will have to answer someone; in this life or the next.
Saving face*
I think I’m falling in love with you Roger so let your wife know! There are a number of things which hadn’t caught any attention yet and topping that list in the Net/Media manipulation of legit news, first and foremost the LA Times which is no longer owned by the La Raza Nazis and whose new owner seems to understand a sentence can be helpful in writing, not just in putting away bad guys! LA is our largest and most important market here in Las Vegastan though most think LA already moved here! We’ve known for some time Media is taking their Net product and reducing or erasing it if the don’t like it. LVRJ has been doing this since Sheldon took over and I actually showed the Sheriff and Undersheriff what is now passing as legit journalism here and elsewhere! That the NYT and LAT have exited this story is telling. They are pushing back and off my Blog work and I am confident Poppa’s too is Algo’d incorrectly so he’s gotta write a book…period. This isn’t Putin or Clinton or Daisy Duke….this is Resorts Media—R&R Partners! Only a matter of time before attys suing also notice this has happened