How website marketing report tools help analyze SEO, social and SEM ads
From google analytics to creating those automated white-label reports, marketing tools can propel your website to another level while minimizing costs. Plus, website marketing tools help save time. Even more, using marketing report tools can benefit you and your website in the following ways:
Saves Time and Money
You are living in a digital era. Thus, you don’t have to spend endless hours creating marketing reports for your clients. With website marketing report tools, you can save time and huge amounts of money. Tools make it possible to create Automated Marketing Reports for SEO, Social, and SEM Ads in minutes.
PPC Reporting
With site marketing report tools, you are able to showcase your PPC strategy to your clients. Use easy to drag-and-drop marketing building tools to tell your customers how your services will help them. Take control of your budget and monitor its ROA with website market report tools.
Getting the Data You Require
With website marketing report tools, you have easy access to an array of data connectors—such as Google Analytics, Search Console (abbreviated as GWT), Bing Ads, AdWords, and Facebook or Twitter Ads.
Automated Reporting
Tedium with your reporting can be annoying. Use website marketing report tools to automate your online reporting. Creating and scheduling reports take minutes. With these tools, you can send error-free reports on a daily, monthly, or quarterly basis. You can also automatically schedule them. These tools help you use a unique URL to send reports. The best part; they can be downloaded in PDFs.
Consolidated Social Activity
Use website marketing report tools to consolidate your clients’ social activity. Automatically store your clients’ social media account information and campaign programs in a central place. Plus, these tools come with reporting matrices—making it possible to monitor the distribution process. This eliminates the need to switch from one social media to another.
Manage Multiple Clients
With marketing report tools, things like creating clients, assigning roles, controlling dashboards, and monitoring login visibility are made easy.
Find and fix SEO-Related Issues
SEO is a complex field. It requires a high level of expertise. Plus, minus the necessary experience, making mistakes that may cost your business is possible. However, with site marketing tools, you are able to spot common SEO issues and possible areas of improvement. Marketing report tools are accurate and efficient.
Tracking Your e-commerce Metrics To Drive More Sales
Whether your business sells physical products or offers online services—getting a sales report is important. With website analytics tools such as Google Analytics, you are able to track vital e-commerce metrics—including total revenue, top-selling products, the conversion rates, and top sources of referral sources in one report. His will help you draw strategies to drive more sales.
The Bottom-Line
Use website marketing reports to determine whether your marketing strategies are working. These tools are automated—thus helping you save a lot of time. Unlike manual reporting, website analytics are accurate, cost-effective, and can help you manage multiple clients.