How Can Technology Boost Your Trivia Board Game Experience

Did you know that the board game industry has been at the top of the charts in sales and innovation? The global trivia board games market is projected to see a growth spurt of up to 17% in the coming years. The reason for board games always being in the spotlight is because of how games have constantly evolved and adapted along with people.

Boardgame designers and developers come up with designs adhering to modern-day cultures and traditions as well. The games are revamped in such a way to satisfy the evolving nature of people. One such feat achieved by them is the tech-infused and technology associated board games.

Technology has been a great way to bring back old school board games and forgotten classics back to the present. Every time you think board games, a cardboard mat pops up in your mind. Nowadays, they come accompanied with high-tech features.

If you think back, technology in board games has been quite common even in the early ‘90s. The Atomsfear series game in 1991 included a character on a videotape as part of the gameplay. Exciting much?

Now you will see the different technology that has been a part of trivia board games to boost your experience.

Introduces Applications to Enhance Your Experience

There are applications even for the most mundane things in your life, then why not for a game? Applications are a go-to in the gaming industry. With the array of tablets and smartphones, it is very easy to download any app which accompanies your board games.

These applications can enhance your experience in ways like,

  • Let’s you play background effects and music.
  • Provides timer
  • Helps you track score
  • Guides you to understand, learn and set up the game

Other than these, applications can also be an integral part of your experience with trivia board games. In certain games, the applications are also part of the main gameplay. For example, they can keep details hidden from players until the right moment; they shuffle and give you more randomization to keep the game going.

It does not matter even if applications are not a part of the gameplay. In many board games, they are a means of knowledge transfer and a setup guide.

Though developing an application for the board games does not come for free, it’s myriads of benefits increases the game’s accessibility and makes it available for everyone.

Comes With High-Tech Components

Applications alone can contribute extra fun to the experience, but technology does not just stop there. For years, the new talk in town has been the introduction of Bluetooth Technology, Augmented Reality, and NFC into the physical trivia board games experience.

Some games may come with cards having NFC codes feature. The cards are played on a special board along with an accompanying app. Other games come with AR; it enhances the features which the players can see on the board.

Helps the Designers and Developers

Another way in which technology benefits the trivia board games industry is it helps with its production and development. Though this does not concern the consumers, only when there are means to develop a mind-blowing board game, it can be on your table for a long time.

Technology makes it easier for the developer to develop, fund, and sell the board games. This means that if you have a great idea for a game, even you can bring it to reality with technology.

You can use crowdfunding, get back-ups from companies to create prototypes, use print-on-demand services without incurring losses. This increases the scope of the gaming market and also gives you another game to add to your list.

Versions and Updates

By introducing technology into board games, there are chances for you to play new games and rounds whenever you want to. As they come with hardware and software, developers use this opportunity to keep the game going and make it interesting.

They roll out new versions and updates, which increase their sales and give you new gameplay experiences. Many games like Boom Again are still in business mainly because of their timely updated versions with riveting stories and gameplay.

Though the updates and edited versions tend to make your purses lighter, it benefits you as well as the developers. After all, you have the chance of getting games that you can play for a lifetime without repetitive storylines.

Traditional and classic games can never be forgotten, thanks to the tech-inspired adaptations. The technological boom has brought value to both the trivia board game players and the developers. It is time to embrace adaptation and progress in the gaming world as well.