Hitler admirer Alexander Lukashenko fools European leaders

French President Hollande, Germany’s Angela Merkel, Ukraine’s Poroshenko and Vladimir Putin met in Minsk and reached an agreement Thursday aimed at halting violence between Ukraine and Russian-supplied rebels in eastern provinces of that country.

However, few media outlets focused on the fact that Belarussian dictator Alexander Lukashenko hosted the talks – giving the impression that the two Western leaders view his Soviet-style police state as legitimate.

Recently, reports surfaced suggesting Belarus may sever economic ties with Moscow and possibly even join the EU, thus making Minsk an appropriate venue.

But Hollande and Merkel’s willingness to shake hands with Lukashenko and dignify the Belarussian dictator with their presence is an insult to those who have suffered under his regime.

Left to right: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Alexander Lukashenko (Aleksandr Loekasjenko) of Belarus and Viktor Yanukovych (Janoekovitsj) of Ukraine. (Public Domain)
Left to right: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Alexander Lukashenko (Aleksandr Loekasjenko) of Belarus and Viktor Yanukovych (Janoekovitsj) of Ukraine. (Public Domain)

Lukashenko, a former collective farm manager who is largely unknown to most Westerners, worked his way up the Communist party ladder in the Soviet Union before becoming president of newly independent Belarus in 1994.

Unlike his contemporaries in other former Soviet republics, Lukashenko presides over a nation desperately clinging to Communist ideals.

Marxism is still prevalent and much of the economy is under state control, including a vast network of collective farms where brainwashed peasants in part captivated by Lukashenko’s personality cult are grateful to their leader for sparing them rigors associated with free-market capitalism.

Lukashenko often boasts that Belarussians enjoy freedom of speech and expression, but in reality-neither is true.

The state’s internal security service is still called the KGB and continues to crack down on those who threaten the status quo.

Lukashenko and Hitler in uniform. (screenshot)
Lukashenko and Hitler in uniform. (screenshot)

Prison is the mostly likely destination for opponents of the regime, but execution by firing squads has also been known to take place.

Perhaps this is why Belarus is often referred to as “Europe’s last dictatorship,” a phrase attributed to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Many Western leaders view Lukashenko’s successive victories at the ballot box with skepticism since he is arguably the sole arbiter of power in Belarus, and is continually re-elected with approximately 80 percent of the vote.

In 2010, seeking what would become his fourth term in office; Lukashenko unleashed state-security personnel on demonstrators demanding his removal.

This event garnered international attention as militia forces brutally attacked protestors and several presidential candidates were imprisoned on dubious charges as Lukashenko cruised to victory by an overwhelming margin.

Ironically, Europe’s last dictator is now trying to portray himself as an honest broker-an image he may have successfully conveyed to Hollande and Merkel.

But the writing on the wall is clear.

And when Lukashenko concedes that he admires qualities shared by both Hitler and Stalin; we should take him at his word.

2 thoughts on “Hitler admirer Alexander Lukashenko fools European leaders

  • February 20, 2015 at 10:17 AM

    This author makes Belarus look like the lost brother of north-korea. This is probably the most over-exaggerated article in the world ever. If the author really has a life-long passion for politics at all levels then at least be objective. Belarus might not be the most liberal country in the world, but I’ve been there hundreds of times for business related meetings and its no where near the dictatorship this article claims it to be. Also i don’t take lukashenko serious about his love for Hitler. In that particular interview where he mentioned that, he was completely taking a piss on the interviewer just to cause havoc. These protests took place with authorized and organized papers. The police stepped in because they broke the law and assaulted a governmental building. No pepper spray or water cannons were used. he didn’t *unleashed* the forces, they had to step in to prevent mass vandalism. There are no *brainwashed* peasants. They are very very critical about the regime but praises the stability it brings. And since his political opposition organized these mass protest with authorization of his regime, i don’t think prisons are filled with political prisoners

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