Hakki’s Pizza Reaches Out to Help Those in Need

Without a doubt, 2020 has been one of the most challenging years in recent memories. The coronavirus pandemic has created a medical crisis, the likes of which have not been seen in more than 100 years. This medical crisis has also created an economic one, leading many individuals, families, and small businesses to have trouble making ends meet. Fortunately, some kind-hearted individuals are stepping up to help those in need of assistance. This includes Hakki’s Pizza, also known as Champion Pizza, led by a simple pizza chef who merely reaches beyond his own circle to help individuals who need assistance.

Hakki Akdeniz Helps the Homeless During a Difficult Time

Homelessness is a serious problem all over the world. It can happen to anybody at just about anytime. Even though a lot of people walk down the street trying to avoid making eye contact with them, Hakki Akdeniz is just taking a different approach. He understands that even though the coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone, it impacts homeless individuals more than others. Nothing seems to stop Hakki’s Pizza and his drive to help those in need. During a recent charity event in New York City, he drove one of his trucks from place to place, delivering food to individuals who need it. This is just one of the many examples of Hakki’s Pizza stepping up to help those in need. Even though many people associate Hakki Akdeniz with the frozen pizzas a regular they see in the supermarket, Hakki’s Pizza also has a strong philanthropic arm.

Hakki Akdeniz (Courtesy photo)

Hakki’s Pizza Does More than Just Food

Even though his food donations certainly go a long way when it comes to feeding those in need, he does not stop there. Hakki also gives out his own money, clothing, and other items that people are homeless or need. Thanks to his strong social media presence, he has galvanized a lot of others to join him in his charitable efforts. The simple fact is that when people reach out to help those in need, the world becomes a much better place. Right now, due to the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people have scaled back their charitable donations. This stands in stark contrast to Champion Pizza, which has stepped up its contributions during this challenging year. He believes that if everyone can simply work together just a little bit more often, that anything is possible.

Looking to Others: Inspiring a Community

Given the challenges of 2020, it is easy to take a negative outlook on the future. Instead, Hakki Akdeniz is taking a much different approach. He believes that if more people simply look inward and use that as a source of inspiration, society will recover much faster. It will be interesting to see where Hakki’s Pizza and its leader go from here. As long as Hakki’s Pizza continues to use its resources to inspire others, the world will be a much better place.