Ezekiel 38 Alliances Taking Shape
When studying Biblical prophecy, it is impossible to give dates. We cannot say that a particular event will occur on this date. Some prophecies, however, can be arranged in sequence; we know event A will precede event B. Other prophecies are more elusive; we are still determining where they fall in the sequence of events. However, most Bible teachers have opinions of where these events appear in the timeline. Ezekiel 38 is one of these prophecies.
Some prophecy teachers believe Ezekiel 38 will most likely occur before the rapture. I think it coincides with the sixth seal of Revelation and, therefore, happens during the Tribulation Period. Still, others believe it will occur at the end of the millennium.
Regardless of where Ezekiel 38 falls in the sequence of events (all three of the above views could be wrong), one thing is sure: the battle of Ezekiel 38 will take place.
The best we can do now is watch the players, monitor the nations involved, and see how they get along.
If you are unfamiliar with the events of Ezekiel 38, here is a summary. A massive coalition of nations invades Israel. God intervenes and destroys the incoming hoards. Ezekiel 39 begins with finer details of God’s intervention and the death toll for the enemy.
So then, who are the players, and how are they getting along with each other?
The invaders (Biblical names in parentheses) are Russia (Magog), Iran (Persia), Ethiopia, Libya, Ukraine (Gomer), Turkey(Togarmah), and most probably the Muslim nations along Russia’s southern border (many people with thee).
So, how are the major players getting along?
On October 11, CNN reported that Russian President Putin said he and Iranian President Pezeshkian “shares a very close worldveiw.”
On October 31, Reuters reported that a Russian/Iranian treaty, including a defense component, is in the works.
A November 13 Newsweek report tells us that Turkey has cut off relations with Israel.
Also, on November 13, MSN headlines reported that Russia, Turkey, and Iran condemned Israel. This report shows that the three major players of Ezekiel 38 are in lockstep in their opinions of Israel.
On November 14, MSN reported that BRICS, an economic alliance of nations headed by Russia and China, offered membership to Turkey.
The same worldviews, military treaties, and economic alliances are in the works among the major players of a huge Biblical prophecy. While Americans are either in jubilee or total despair over the elections, God is working on the world stage to bring about His foretold events.
Ukraine (Gomer) is on the list of the invading nations. How does this play out, given that Russia and Ukraine are at war?
The time is not yet. Other factors must fall into place before this confederacy of nations unite as a massive military power against Israel. Since the Ukrainian/Russian war is not a Biblical prophecy, we cannot know with certainty how it will end or how it will factor into the future invasion of Ezekiel 38. We do know from the Bible that the two nations do team up. Down the road, Russia could overcome Ukraine, or Ukraine may have a political upheaval that brings the governments of the two nations closer together diplomatically. It could be a situation like the United States had with the Soviet Union during WWII: two enemies combating a common enemy.
Regardless of how it plays out, one thing we can definitely see is that the Alliances necessary for Ezekiel 38’s fulfillment are taking shape and gaining solidarity. The props on God’s world stage are in preparation and being placed in their spots. God’s final show is soon to begin. Do not get caught at the concession stand having no idea of what is happening behind the curtain.

Preacher Tim Johnson is Pastor of Countryside Baptist Church in Parke County, Indiana. His weekly column “Preacher’s Point” may be found at: www.preacherspoint.wordpress.com