Baltimore’s Jason Kidd dancing in the big time
Jason Kidd made his way to Vegas on Season 12 So You Think You Can Dance. This Baltimore native who graduated from Patapsco High School in 2011, talked to about his experience on this season’s show and showcased a few dance moves. Kidd also appeared on Season 10 So You Think You Can Dance. Although he wasn’t the last man dancing in Season 10, his past experience taught him so much, and prepared him for the moment he is facing right now. Kidd talked to the Baltimore Post-Examiner about Season 10 and 12, and about his amazing trip to Germany. The show So You Think You Can Dance, airs on Monday at 8 p.m. on FOX.
BPE: What age did you start dancing?
Kidd: I started dancing at the age of 12. My mother noticed my dancing skills and put me in a hip-hop class at The Baltimore Dance Center.
BPE: What inspires you to dance, and what are your hobbies outside of dancing?
Kidd: Michael Jackson was my inspiration. Beat it is my favorite video. Chris Brown also inspired me to dance. Outside of dancing, I write my own music, play piano, guitar.
BPE: What style of dancing do you do? This season is Stage vs. Street, what is your dance considered in the competition?

Kidd: The style of dance I do is called is animation dancing, which is all self taught. It came to me out of nowhere. This type of dancing is something I feel I am born with.
BPE: How was Germany and how did you get involved in that competition?
Kidd: I was with a group at the Jamz Dance Center. I had a chance to tryout for Team USA, and made the team. The trip to Germany was in 2011 I was seventeen at the time. The dance teams from the other countries were scared and intimidated. They knew hip-hop originated from the United States and questioned why we were in the competition. Overall I got fifth place in the competition and that was the highest USA had ever received.
BPE: How was your experience on Season 10 So You Think You Can Dance? Were you nervous?
Kidd: That was my first time auditioning. I was nervous! I made it to Vegas but I got eliminated in the ballroom round.
BPE: Do you keep in contact with any contestants in from Season 10? What was the first thing you did when you returned home from eliminations?
Kidd: Yes, I keep in contact with a couple of contestants who made it in the top 20: Bluprint, Jade, and Fik-Shun who won Season 10. The first thing I did when I got home was I practice.
BPE: Did you have a favorite judge in Season 10? What was something the judges told you that stuck with you?

Kidd: My favorite judge was Adam Schankman, and he was upset when he had to cut me. The judges said I was good enough for the show, but wasn’t strong enough at the time.
BPE: On Season 12, were you comfortable since it was a familiar setting?
Kidd: It was comfortable this season. I was ready and I knew what was coming.
BPE: Do you see anyone in the competition in any of the seasons that was a good competitor?
Kidd: We all feed off each other we don’t look at each other as if one is better than the other. We are like one big family. A group called Dragon house (where Bluprint is from) I hung out with them a lot, and we all learn from each other.
BPE: What will you do if you win Season 12?
Kidd: If I win the show my plans are to invest my money.
BPE: What is your ultimate goal in life?
Kidd: My ultimate goal is to be in movies, a back dancer, and start a studio. I would also like to do back dancing for Jason Durulo and Chris Brown.
BPE: Who do you plan to watch the show with?
Kidd: I am having a viewing party with my family and we are going to watch the show together.

As a child I wrote novels because I didn’t have many friends. I would sit in the living room and pretend my friends were my characters. I would write a story and never complete it. I fell in love with the library on Beauty and the Beast, instead of the Beast. My childhood habits became my passion in life. In college I preferred to write in my journal than to go out to the clubs. I don’t listen to rap music as much because it’s difficult for me to understand, and when I hear the unedited version I am often surprised. I am someone who actually listens to the words and becomes perplexed at the lyrics. I think never and always are unnecessary words because life is unpredictable. Live, laugh, love is a great motto to live by, but if it was up to me I would replace the laugh with write.