A Once Good Man Lost

I was walking

Out for the first time

Since then

Since, I don’t know when

Feeling naked

Hearing “cho mo”*

Over and

Over again.

In there

Out here


There’s a list

You Looking?

Them exposed

I looking

I clicking

Walking quickly

Rapid breathing

Hear it?

It’s “cho mo”

Or is it

“no mo”

Who is he?

Or is it me?

I think

There’s one!

A distraction

Dance recital?


My life

Flashes in

Front of me

Walking quickly

From her

From my past

From the looks


Yet another

And another

And another

And another.

They are terrifying iridescence

In seeing them

a crime in only seeing.

I need no registry.

A beautiful

Poison that

Kills when

Eyes only

Fall upon them

Five of them

In one mile

When all I did

Was clicked.

It’s life.

It’s a life.

On a cute little


I take a taxi home

Where there were

Once my kids

Once my love

Once someone

Loved me.

Once on

a screen

I clicked.

Once I had a home

A job

A father

A Mother

A Family


Two floors


A family moved


The police informed me

With a warrant

Of course.

Lips quivering

Around the cold


Hands trembling

I click it.

The comments

Below the

Scattered constants and vowels of me

Of what was more than

Anyone cares

To see

Was me.

It read,
“Thank heaven!
Let’s pray

More will follow.”

A once good man lost.

*Child Molester