2016 Corvettes at Carlisle (with Lady Camille)
Fall is fast approaching, but there are still plenty of days ahead to cruise the byways in a Chevrolet Corvette. August 25-28 saw the return of America’s Sports Car to nearby Carlisle, Pennsylvania of the 30th annual Corvettes at Carlisle. The largest Corvette happening of its kind, Corvettes at Carlisle features a huge collection of Corvettes for display and for sale. There are new and used part vendor tents, manufacturer reps, workshops with special guest speakers, a Miss Carlisle competition, and more. Please enjoy the following photo roundup of the 2016 Corvettes at Carlisle by John Dutcher featuring model Lady Camille. And enjoy our cover story about judging Corvettes, and our special report about Tracie Jones’ pink Corvette.

John Dutcher, LMSW is a licensed psychotherapist and Mental Health Consultant practicing in New York City. His specialty is in emergency mental health and crisis intervention. John enjoys American History and shooting vintage style and street style photography. He attends various history related events throughout the year providing him the opportunity to practice photography, take part in reenactments, and meet people who share in his hobbies. John lives in the New York City Area.