Ask Sylvester Stallone if a 40-year-old man should have group sex with and masturbate in front of a minor
Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore, Louis C.K and the list goes on about high-profile men accused of sexual misconduct. But what about one of the biggest stars in Hollywood that the mainstream press has forgotten about.
On February 16, 2016 the Baltimore Post-Examiner published Sylvester Stallone accused 30 years ago of allegedly having group sex with teen, police say.
The following was taken from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Officer’s Report, No. 86-73022 that was obtained by the Baltimore Post-Examiner.
The names of police personnel, victim and witnesses have been omitted. Several attempts to reach out to Stallone during the course of breaking these stories were unsuccessful.
Subject: Sexual Assault
Victim: ___
Suspects: #1—Stallone, Sylvester
#2—De Luca, Michael
On 7/28/86 at approximately 2200 hours, I was contacted by OFF. _ of the Plaza Desk, reference a possible sexual assault at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel. I was advised to contact the Director of Security, being _. I responded to the Hilton and went to the Security Office on the 2nd floor and spoke with Director _, as well as Director of Internal Security, a _.
_ told me that they had a WFJ [white female juvenile], approximately 16 years of age, who alleged that she was sexually assaulted by Sylvester Stallone and a bodyguard of his by the first name of Mike. _ said that he had received this information from an employee, _ who is a VIP Representative at the Hilton Hotel.
I contacted _ and he told me that he was contacted by a _ on today’s date at approximately 1930 hours and told _ that a friend of hers had gotten into big trouble and that she needed some advice. _ questioned _ about this friend who later turned out to be _.
According to _, _ told him that her girlfriend, _ had gotten herself into a situation with Sylvester Stallone and a bodyguard by the name of Mike. _ contacted Security Chief _ with the information and _ in turn, contacted LVMPD.
After talking with _ on the phone, I then made contact with Detective Sgt. _ of the Sexual Assault Detail and advised him of the situation. Due to the sensitivity of the situation reference the allegations of the 16-year-old toward the possible suspect being Sylvester Stallone, _ was contacted. He advised me to make contact with the father of _ and interview _ in turn. _ said that if _ told me the same story as _, then an interview with _, the possible victim, would be in order.
I had _, Director of Security, contact _ in his room and requested he respond with his step-daughter _, to the Security Office. They responded to the Security Office and I asked _ if she had made contact with a hotel employee by the name of _ on today’s date and had told him that her friend had gotten into trouble possibly a sexual assault, with another individual staying at the hotel by the name of Sylvester Stallone. Initially, _ denied making any telephone calls to _. I then asked her to leave the room and I spoke with her step-father _.
I told him about the information that we had received from the hotel employee reference the telephone call from his step-daughter and that we were attempting to determine if the crime had occurred and if _ was a victim of sexual assault. _ was asked to come back in the room and her father asked her if she was telling the truth and then slowly the story unraveled about her calling _, and asking for advice reference her friend.
_ said that they, being _ and _, had been in the lobby the last 3 or 4 days and that _ and _ had become friends of _, who works in the hotel lobby. According to _, _ began to have a crush on him and that the girls, being _ and _, would come to him every day and tell him that they’d been at the movie set and what they were up to. _ said that she called on today’s date and related the story that she was able to obtain from her friend. _ and asked _ for advice. _ said that he would contact the Security Dept. and they would investigate the matter.
After talking to _ and finding out that her story was basically the same as the story I’d received from _, the decision was made by myself to interview _, the possible victim. She was contacted at her room and escorted down to the Security Office by one of the uniform security officers at the LV Hilton Hotel. She was interviewed with _ being present. I asked her if she could tell me what had taken place the last 5 0r 6 days that she was staying at the LV Hilton Hotel. She told me that the _ family who have taken her into their home, due to the fact that her own parents have broken up, and the _ were nice enough to accept her into their home and provide schooling for her. She said that she’d arrived with the _ at the LV Hilton Hotel on July 18th and they planned to check out on July 28th, 1986.
_ said that on July 23rd, Wednesday, 1986, she had met an actor in the movie that is being filmed at the LV Hilton Hotel. She believed that the boy’s name was _ and he’s approximately 15 years of age. She said that he is evidentally playing the son in the movie [Over the Top] to Sylvester Stallone. _ said that _ introduced her and her cousin _, to Stallone Wednesday night in the area of the elevator.
_ said that on Friday, July 27th, 1986, approximately 1430 hours, she was in the hotel in the area where the movie was being filmed. She said that she was able to get an autograph from Sylvester Stallone, at which time he asked her her name and she said she told him her name was _. She said that he asked her how old she was and she told him she was 16, going on 17 years of age. She told me that Stallone asked her how she got such a build and she said that she just blushed. She said that during the conversation one of her friends had gotten a kiss on the cheek from Stallone and that she had asked Stallone for a kiss at which time he replied that he would give her a kiss at a later date, that she would not forget.
She said that after the conversation with Stallone, she got another autograph from his director of the picture and that she left the stage area where the movie was being filmed.
On Saturday, July 26, 1986, between the hours of 11:30 and 12:00, _ returned to the filming location at the LV Hilton Hotel with a larger picture of Sylvester Stallone and she was attempting to get him to autograph the larger picture for her. She said that the autographed picture was for one of her friends. She told me that at approximately 2000 hours on 7/26/86, she got two keys from a bodyguard of Sylvester Stallone, by the first name of Mike. The keys were for the 27th floor, Room 2767. The conversation that _ had with the bodyguard with the first name of Mike was that Mike asked if Sylvester Stallone made a pass at her, what would she do. She said that she would probably make a pass back at him. After Mike gave her the keys, he advised her to go up to the room as soon a s possible.
At approximately 2030 hours, _ went up to the 27th floor and met Mike and Stallone in the hallway. She said that she gave Mike the keys to the suite at which time he opened the door to the suite and that all 3 went inside. She said that Stallone and her went into the bedroom and there had sexual intercourse, being of vaginal intercourse. She said that while she and Stallone were having intercourse, Mike the bodyguard was in the bathroom during the incident.
She said that they really didn’t have sex because he only put it in a little ways and only kept it in there for a few seconds and then took it out. She said he made a comment about her being very tight. He then asked her if she ever did it with 2 guys at the same time and _ said that she answered him no, that she’d never had. She then told me that Stallone went in and got Mike out of the bathroom and asked him if he wanted a blow job. _ said that Mike came out of the bathroom, undid his pants, and then forced her head down onto his penis. She said that he made her do that for a while and then came around and had vaginal intercourse with her. She said that while he was having vaginal intercourse with her, Stallone came over to her and pushed her head down onto his penis and made her give him a blow job.
She said that neither individual climaxed and she said that Stallone asked her if she wanted to see come. She said that she really didn’t understand what he was saying and that he went over in the corner of the room and ejaculated in the corner. She said that after she got dressed, Stallone made the comment to her that they were both married men and that she could not tell anybody about the incident and if she did, that they would have to beat her head in. She said that he laughed after he made the comment and she took it as a joke also.
_ said that she left the room and then went back to her room on the 3rd floor. _ told me that she had contacted her aunt earlier in the evening and during the conversation, _ became emotionally upset. It was at this point in the interview that I was contacted by security Chief _, who told me that it was her mother, _ calling from _.
I spoke to _ on the phone. Initially I told her that her daughter had been involved in an incident and that we were investigating to see if the allegations were in fact, true. _ said that she wanted to speak to her daughter and I then put _ on the phone and she told her mother that she had gone up to Sylvester Stallone’s room and had intercourse with him. She broke down and started crying and had an almost argument-type conversation with her mother.
_ then spoke with _ and said that he would handle the situation if _ decided to file a crime report, and that he would keep _ advised of the situation. _ was asked by this officer if she wished to sign a crime report and she told me that she did not want to sign a crime report and get Sylvester Stallone in trouble. I asked her if she had any idea that by going up to the suite that she would be involved in some type of sexual encounter with Stallone, and she said that it did enter her mind and that she initially made up her mind that if any sexual encounter happened, that she would agree to it. She then told me that later she became undecided about what she would do if placed in that situation.
_ told me that he is a friend of the family, that he took _ into his home and that he was going to send her to school in _. He said that they had been at the Hilton since the 18th and that the kids had been at the Arcade and different other areas of the hotel. He seemed genuinely concerned about the situation, but he was uncertain as to his standing. I asked him if he had any legal standing as far as _ was concerned and he said that his only capacity was probably that of a chaperone. He said the only person who has legal custody is _, who is in _. Evidentally, _ was unable to live with her mother and then went to the _ family to live.
I asked _ several times if she wanted to file a report. During the interview she became emotionally upset numerous times, crying and sobbing and at certain points, unable to continue with the interview. She was uncertain as to what she wanted to do. She indicated to me that if the sexual encounter had only been with Sylvester Stallone, she would not pursue this matter, but due the fact that Mike, his bodyguard, became involved in the sexual incident, she didn’t know what she wanted to do. I gave her the phone number of the Sexual Assault Detail as well as _ name. I advised _ to call _ in the morning, approximately 9:00 a.m., and discuss the matter with him, after _ had time to think about what happened, if she wished to pursue it. She gave me the indication that she would be a reluctant victim at best reference the sexual assault.
Report from the LVMPD Sexual Assault Unit
On 7-29-86, this office received a report from _ that he had responded to the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel on 7-28-86, at approximately 2200 hours, reference to a possible sexual assault. _ report indicated that a 16-year-old girl, that being, _ had possibly been sexually assaulted by Sylvester Stallone and his bodyguard, Michael Maloney Deluca, WMA, 11-17-59.
_ interviewed_, _, _, the girl’s nanny, _, the PR representative from the hotel, Director _, and he also made phone contact with _ natural mother, _.
After talking to all of the members listed above, _ was at that time interviewed. According to _ Officer’s Report, stated that she had gone to Room 2767 at the invitation of Sylvester Stallone, and was met at the door of the room by Michael Deluca and Sylvester Stallone. She indicated that she had in fact engaged in sexual acts with Mr. Stallone. _ indicated in his report that at the end of the interview with _, she became extremely emotional, and stated several times that she was uncertain as to what she wanted to do.
On 7-29-86, at approximately 1040 hours, _ brought _ into the LVMPD Sexual Assault Unit for an additional interview.
This Detective and _, at that time, interviewed _. She stated that she had been living with the _ family for approximately 2 months, and that prior to that she has experienced a great deal of abuse and neglect in her family situation. She was extremely emotional. She appeared to be very embarrassed and reluctant to discuss the situation with these officers. She stated that on the 26th of July 1986, at approximately 2030 hours, she responded to room 2767, at the Hilton, at the invitation of Mr. Stallone. Upon her arrival, outside of room 2767, she met with Sylvester Stallone and his bodyguard, Michael Maloney Deluca. She indicated that both men were very nice to her when they got inside the room, and that she and Mr. Stallone went into the bedroom, at which time, they both disrobed and got onto the bed. She advised these officers that Mr. Stallone did penetrate her with his penis in her vagina, but that it only lasted for a few minutes, and he removed his penis and placed it in her mouth. She states at that time, he called to Mr. Deluca, asking if Mr. Deluca wanted a “blowjob.” Mr. Deluca then entered the bedroom, undid his pants, and pulled them partially down.
_ states it was at this time that she became very uncomfortable with the situation. She states she did not want to have any type of sexual contact with the bodyguard, but felt she had no choice in the matter. She states there was no actual physical force, but that she did feel intimidated, and that Mike did place his penis in her mouth, then removed it, and reached into a drawer, obtaining a rubber, which he put on himself, at which time, he performed vaginal intercourse on her. She states that during the time that the bodyguard was performing intercourse on her, Mr. Stallone had his penis in her mouth.
She advised that, to the best of her knowledge, neither of the male subjects ejaculated in her. She states that Mr. Stallone asked her if she’d ever seen anyone come, and that she didn’t understand what he meant. He then ejaculated in front of her onto the floor. She indicates that when both men had finished, that they got dressed, and prior to her leaving, Mr. Stallone advised her that he and Mike were both happily married, and that it would be a mistake for her to discuss what had transpired with anyone.
She indicated to these officers that Mr. Stallone said to her, “If you tell anybody about this, we will have to beat your head in.” _ said, at that time, that he and Mike both laughed, and she took it as a joke also. However, after leaving the room, she indicated that she became very distraught and frightened, and wasn’t sure that that threat had been a joke after all.
_ told these officers that at no time did she intend to report this incident to the Police Department. That because she was emotionally upset, she did tell one of her traveling companions, a _, what had occurred, and that _ had gone to _, and _ had gone to the Public Relations man, _, asking for advice. _ then apparently, notified the hotel security, at which time, the LVMPD was contacted.
_ appears to be a little slow. She has difficulty in relating her thoughts to someone, and she was extremely emotional. During the interview, several times she began to cry, stating that she felt very ashamed, she was ashamed for _ sake. She advised these officers that _ had offered her a loving home, and she had ruined it by this incident that occurred with Mr. Stallone. She was very depressed, stating that it had been a mistake being born, that her mother had never wanted her, she had been abused her whole life, and had been bounced from one family to another. She indicated things had been very bad before she lived with _ and _, and that the _ had really been wonderful to her. She advised these officers that she was afraid that she would turn out like her mom, and that she guessed since she had been in Las Vegas, that she had shown everyone that she was a no good, rotten kid, indicating that she was really very sorry for her act.
When asked if she would consider some type of criminal prosecution regarding this case, she stated, “I’m humiliated and ashamed, but I don’t want to prosecute. I’m kind of scared and I’m very ashamed. I don’t want anybody else to have that happen to them, but I don’t want to prosecute. I cannot talk about this anymore, please leave me alone.”
At that time, the interview was concluded and _ was advised of her decision to not become involved in any type of criminal prosecution.
Later in the afternoon, _ was contacted at the Hilton, and advised that we needed to meet with _ once more for a few moments in order to have a No Prosecution Form signed, if in fact, she still did not wish to pursue this matter.
This officer responded to the Hilton Hotel at approximately 1400 hours and met with _, Director of Security. It took approximately 45 minutes to an hour to locate _ and _ inside the hotel. Contact was made a little after 3 PM, and again, this officer interviewed _.
She began to cry and stated that nobody believed her, and that had probably ruined any chance for her to have a decent life. A great deal of time was taken to explain to her that the No Prosecution Form did not mean that anyone thought she was lying. It meant that a crime had been committed, she had been the victim, but that she did not wish to pursue it in a criminal fashion.
At approximately 1630 hours, _ did sign the No Prosecution Form. Mr. and Mrs. _ stated that they were going to return to _, and meet with _ natural mother, _ and _ had agreed to sign guardianship papers for them to take care and custody of _. They indicated that they would obtain help for her through counseling, and a secure home situation. They advised that they would be taking her to _ and placing her in a private school, along with their own daughter, _.
At that time, this officer concluded the contact with the _ family and _. No further police action will be taken at this time, unless additional information should become available to indicate otherwise.
LVMPD Detectives seize Michael Deluca’s concealed carry permit
On 7-30-86, at approximately 1130 A.M., _ along with _ went to the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel located at 3000 Paradise Road and there contacted Director of Security, _. Mr. __ had previously been made aware of the allegations made by _ and was fully cognizant of the allegations and the circumstances involving the two suspects.
He was also made aware that the victim, because of her emotional instability and mental condition, did not feel that she could go through the traumas of a criminal trial.
We further advised Mr. _ that we were there to retrieve the temporary Concealed Weapon Permit issued by the Metropolitan Police Department to Mike De Luca, on 7-25-86.
Mr. De Luca is the personal bodyguard of Sylvester Stallone.
Mr. _ escorted myself and _ to the Pavilion area of the hotel, where Sylvester Stallone and others were currently filming a movie. Mr. _ made contact with Mr. De Luca and brought him to where _ and I were waiting. After introducing myself to Mr. De Luca, I advised him that we were confiscating the Concealed Weapon Permit and that he was no longer permitted to carry a weapon concealed, within Clark County area.
Mr. De Luca handed over the permit to me, and it is attached to this report.
Sylvester Stallone and Michael De Luca were never interviewed by the police which is strange considering that one of the Sexual Assault Unit detectives told the victim that a crime had been committed and that she had been the victim.
When I wrote the original story last year, as I state in that story, I interviewed the victim in this case. Now an adult woman she stands by her account of what she told the police back in 1985.
After that story was published I interviewed the mother of the victim’s girlfriend who was chaperoning the victim on their Las Vegas trip. She was present with the victim when she was being interviewed by the Sexual Assault Unit detectives. She told me that the female detective had talked the victim out of pressing charges, telling her that Sylvester Stallone was powerful, had money and would drag her through the mud. She said that was a deciding factor as to why no charges were pressed.
On August 8, 2015 the Baltimore Post-Examiner published Did Sylvester Stallone molest his half-sister?
On August 20, 2015 the Baltimore Post-Examiner published Sylvester Stallone hush money leaves unanswered questions.

Doug authored over 135 articles on the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas Massacre, more than any other single journalist in the country. He investigates stories on corruption, law enforcement, and crime. Doug is a US Army Military Police Veteran, former police officer, deputy sheriff, and criminal investigator. Doug spent 20 years in the hotel/casino industry as an investigator and then as Director of Security and Surveillance. He also spent a short time with the US Dept. of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration. In 1986 Doug was awarded Criminal Investigator of the Year by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office in Virginia for his undercover work in narcotics enforcement. In 1991 and 1992 Doug testified in court that a sheriff’s office official and the county prosecutor withheld exculpatory evidence during the 1988 trial of a man accused of the attempted murder of his wife. Doug’s testimony led to a judge’s decision to order the release of the man from prison in 1992 and awarded him a new trial, in which he was later acquitted. As a result of Doug breaking the police “blue wall of silence,” he was fired by the county sheriff. His story was featured on Inside Edition, Current Affair and CBS News’ “Street Stories with Ed Bradley”. In 1992 after losing his job, at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Doug infiltrated a group of men who were plotting the kidnapping of a Dupont fortune heir and his wife. Doug has been a guest on national television and radio programs speaking on the stories he now writes as an investigative journalist. Catch Doug’s Podcast: @dougpoppa1
You are entitled to your opinion, however ignorant that may be. Obviously, you have no investigative experience and or are incapable of comprehending what you read.
The police detectives told the victim that A CRIME DID OCCUR AND THAT SHE WAS A VICTIM. Why do you think they wrote that in the DETAILED police report!! The witnesses are all alive to this day.
Brigitte Nielsen is a freaking liar, with her own skeletons in her closet. Stallone is a piece of trash. Here is the equation; 16 year old minor female fan, 40 YEAR OLD PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!
Remember, child predators usually have a history!!!
Rest In Peace Toni Ann, the truth will prevail.
The alleged victim, Doug Poppa. Shame that “a US Army Military Police Veteran, former law enforcement officer, criminal investigator and private sector security and investigations management professional with 40 years of experience” “misses” such an important word in the story. ALLEGED!
Now, that you are expert, tell me please, why on earth a bodyguard would hand a total stranger 2 keys of the hotel suite of the person who’s life he is hired to protect?
Do bodyguards do that?
And why then Stallone and Mike met the alleged victim in the HALLWAY – public space where they can be seen by anyone, paparazzi included. Weren’t they both married men, who would get in trouble if such thing leaks to the media?
“She told me that at approximately 2000 hours on 7/26/86, she got two keys from a bodyguard of Sylvester Stallone, by the first name of Mike. The keys were for the 27th floor, Room 2767. The conversation that _ had with the bodyguard with the first name of Mike was that Mike asked if Sylvester Stallone made a pass at her, what would she do. She said that she would probably make a pass back at him. After Mike gave her the keys, he advised her to go up to the room as soon a s possible.
At approximately 2030 hours, _ went up to the 27th floor and met Mike and Stallone in the hallway. She said that she gave Mike the keys to the suite at which time he opened the door to the suite and that all 3 went inside.”
This story is so far-fetched, that only very naive people would buy it. I am inclined to think that may be Stallone refused to give this girl the kiss she wanted and she decided to cook up the fake story of “assault”. Or may be her step-father, or somebody else close to her wanted to extort money from Stallone but it turned out there is no evidence and no chance to prosecute.
Shame on you dude for publishing this trash. You must be quite miserable man, bitter because of your insignificant existence and now hopping for 15 min. fame at Sylvester Stallone’s expense. Shame on you. I hope, Mr. Stallone will sue you and put you where you belong.
Ask Donald Trump if he should masturbate to pictures of Hitler and grab women’s p u s s ies
What is wrong with everyone in this world?
I’ll make up my mind on this one when the actual evidence comes in.
I believe this because back in the 1980’s if you were a female and the victim of a sexual assault you were not looked at as the victim but the aggressor. Most men back then were detectives with various police departments. Call it the “good ole boys club” or whatever but that’s what it was. As a female you were essentially looked down upon. Now if the guy you were accusing had little means to fight the charges if you did press them, he was jailed and convicted. If however he had money, was well known within the community or cane from a family with more money and connections, it was over. I know this because I went through it. I was repeatedly raped over an 4 hr period of time escaping to a closer that had an inside lock underneath a staircase in the house of my then ex-boyfriend. I had gone there to tell him I was pregnant. Because he liked cocaine more than anything he flew into a rage and started beating me. He then pushed me against the wall chocking me to the point I passed out. I woke up to finding myself half undressed. As I quietly tried to move he noticed my movements and grabbed me by the hair and threw me against a bookcase in the hallway and dragging me into another room where the physical assault was ongoing. Again he chocked me to the point of my passing out to awake again finding him now almost passed out in the corner. Again I tried to quietly escape the room when I was halfway out of the room he noticed and started screaming he was going to “finish me off” so I managed to get to that small closet underneath the stairs and locked myself in. He kep banging and kicking at the door and after maybe 15-20 minutes finally gave up, walked upstairs and went into the bathroom and started running the shower. I knew if I was ever going to get out now was my time. I could hear him walking upstairs so the minute I heard that bathroom door close as well as the shower door I knew I had to move to get out. I ran for the front door and carefully unlocked it and closed it as silently as possible and ran to my car which was parked in front. He heard my car start and at that moment came roaring out of the house. I knew I had to get to the police station as quickly as possible. As I pulled into the police station I saw his car drive past. I went inside and the desk sergeant who was at the front desk took one look at me and said “Oh my god, Miss, what happened to you?” Knowing I was safe I just dissolved. I was immediately taken via ambulance to the nearest emergency room (I had just finished my 1st semester of nursing school at this ER). The detectives came in, took my statements and then the district attorney came in and told me that while I sustained injuries and bore physical evidence of both a physical and sexual assault, because the person being accused was my ex-boyfriend, most grand juries let alone a regular jury would not indict. Then coupled with the fact that my then ex was well known (he was with a very popular rock band who played the Jersey Shore club circuit in those days, plus his family was very well known and not only wealthy but politically connected. I was told prosecution wasn’t going to happen and to move on with my life. So I did just that. I had my daughter, I graduated nursing school and I moved on with my life, with our lives. My point is this, just as with that young girls report to police, if this assault took place now the police would gather evidence and they would have the DA charge because sexual assault is looked at differently now then it was back then. If my case happened to me now at that same age, my case would have been followed through on, connections political or otherwise be damned.
So yes, I believe this report because of when it happened and how different things were back then and how they have changed now. The only troubling thing is that apparently the detective on this case WAS a female. I guess even being a female detective back then made no difference if the assaliant was “well connected, wealthy and powerful”. That should NEVER be.
Try to focus on some of the details, that point out to a very badly conceived fake assault story.
and your extremely stupid for creating this nonsense,idiot
Are you a friend or employee of Mr Stallones’?
If not then maybe you should do yourself a favor and read the damn report, the real police report. You obviously know nothing of how things worked back in the day(the late 70’s thru mid to late 80’s). The only reason why they didn’t further this report was because the young girl (16 yrs old is a girl) decided NOT to prosecute. Mr Poppa also did due diligence and spoke to this woman (she is now in her late 40’s) plus the family friend who accompanied her to the LVMPD the day this report was made AND the female detective who advised her NOT to pursue this because of Stallone’s wealth and power at the time (both things should NEVER have come into play).
I hope, I truly hope you do not have any children. First off I surely hope you don’t have any daughters. Secondly with your mindset being so obviously pro Stallone, I hope, I really hope you don’t have any son’s. Imparting that bias onto another generation of young men is not helpful. Now to the important question. Could a 16 yr old make something like this up? Absolutely. Any woman looking to exact revenge on a former boyfriend, wanna be boyfriend or just reasonably decent looking young man could potentially become victim to such a scam if the young woman felt her advances or signals were being rebuffed. That didn’t happen here. In fact it was just the opposite. They ( Stallone & DeLuca) were making advances towards her as she watched the movie being made. However I don’t believe that’s what happened in this instance with this young woman. She told the truth and in fact her account is exactly as it was back then when she recalls it now. No embellishments, no extra details. Same story, same disgusting details.
well i guess she shouldnt have told the police she was cool with it if it was just sly,so maybe since shes sick too she can go look for a way to sue a already deceased suspect,yall are out of control,apply no sense at all to the problem
so who wants to be the one who reaches out to the one person who can clear this entire lie up ,anyone? could the real david mendenhall please stand up?
Pro-tip for you: when calling someone “stupid” on the Internet, make sure you understand whether you should use “your” or “you’re” in your zinger, at the very least.
(Or should that be “in *you’re* zinger?” Betcha weren’t expecting a pop quiz today, were you?)
honestly guy that is the last thing im concerned with not here to impress anyone,im here to tell this fool that keeps republishing this nonsense that his antics are going to blow up in his face his bag of lies cant even hold water and he is trying to ruin a persons name that doesnt deserve that
“This nonsense” LOL I guess that’s why there are SO many lawsuits against Mr Poppa. U R an OBVIOUS “Tool” – BTW – how much $ did you get to make this ridiculous entry? Seriously though, these guys will turn on you in a heartbeat. Get out now while you can!
ill be watching as you go down,u cant report false claims about someone without paying a price for it
You obviously have the intelligence level of a toad. Grow up and get a real job. Enough said.
And you obviously are the miserable, bitter, mediocre man, who hasn’t achieved much in his entire, pathetic life. And now trolling and name calling the readers of your pathetic non-story. I pity you, Doug Poppa.
say bye bye to your career dude
oh and you were inside there yourself? thats where your screwed dude,because if you werent you just defamed sly,if you were your just as guilty
yeah sly has been made aware of this,lot of trouble now buddy
i hope he sues your ass into a poor house because you will have earned that
Unless I’m mistaken, were you inside the room at the LV Hilton. Obviously not, so unless you have some pertinent information about this, your opinion is exactly that, your opinion.
Ha-ha, neither was the idiot who wrote this trash. So, what is your point?
Please do report this to him. What’s sick is what a 40 year old man would do to a 16 year old female. Do make sure he gets to see this.
Get a life, dumb ass! There is one very important word that is missing from this trash article – ALLEGED! Everything is allegation, nothing proved, no charges laid.
im gonna report this and make sure sly gets to see this,your sick for reporting these lies
Agree with you.