Where have you been?
Returning to the United States after two years in Canada. (Sarah Abruzzese)
If you read what I posted here on the Baltimore Post-Examiner over two years ago, you may be wondering where I’ve been. If not, well humor me or skip this post. Or maybe you have no clue who I am, which seems far more likely.
I am a former Washington-based reporter who wrote about everything from politics like the Virginia governor’s race and a congressional race in Colorado to a DC Metro crash and an execution. I stopped working as a full-time reporter in 2011 when I moved to San Francisco where instead I started blogging about all the fun experiences of living in the Bay Area. I then moved to Edmonton, Canada where I wrote a few blog posts but stopped because I couldn’t find fun stuff to write about for a bit. I also had hideous morning sickness for nine months straight, which kind of sours one on fun stuff especially involving food.
Since writing a few years back, I’ve lived not only in Canada, but back in the Bay Area as well. I’ve recently moved to Southern California. Life in these places couldn’t be more different. To start, the winter weather has been incredibly varied from -50 to high 90s (Fahrenheit in both cases!). And obviously weather hasn’t been the only difference, each of these places has had its own separate vibe.
Living south of Los Angeles, I get to type some pretty strange sentences for a city girl.
I live in the OC (Orange County).
I live less than 12 miles from Disneyland.
I live 8 minutes away from an IKEA.
I can’t imagine blogging about Ikea or Disney but who knows both places are truly experiences to visit.
When I wrote for this site before, I wrote about wine, travel and food. I wanted the page to be called Sarah’s WineTravelFood or Sarah’s WTF. I don’t think the editor found that amusing. Having had a baby in Canada, I’ve now got a toddler. So writing Sarah’s WTF has expanded to Sarah’s WTF + Kid. The combination might not work out but hopefully it will. For my first blog, I am writing about my experience traveling with a toddler. I intend to write next about taking my dog on vacation and finally visiting the Albany Bulb. Beyond that I’m not quite sure what I’ll be writing about.
And I’m not sure where or how this fits in but during my time off from writing, I’ve started a clothing company with a purpose. We’re producing sun protective clothing for children. If you want more information, you can go to www.7SundaysClothing.com. Weird huh.
So thanks for reading and hopefully you continue to do so.
Welcome to Sarah’s life of wine, travel, food and child. Sarah Abruzzese is a former Washington D.C., reporter, living in southern California. She’s working on launching 7 SUNDAYS CLOTHING (www.7SundaysClothing.com), a UPF 50+ sun protective clothing company for children. Beside working on the clothing line, she spends her days running after a toddler and then if there is time left over, eating well, visiting wine country and exploring the West Coast. Follow her travels on twitter #sabruzzese.