What You Need To Know About Hiring A Bodyguard
Normally, people think that hiring a bodyguard is very difficult, but that’s not the case. It’s quite an easy task. With the help of professional companies, you’ll get superb security services that don’t interfere with your lifestyle, family as well as your work life. Some people hire bodyguards for a short while, maybe for a day’s event or to attend business trips, while others need them for the long-term, where the body-guards appear like family to them. As simple as it is, a simple ‘Bodyguards for Hire’ search on Google won’t get you what you want. Keen attention detail is needed.
Each week clients from around the world reach out to us in need of security services. Some need a bodyguard since they’re traveling to insecure environments like Africa or the Middle East, while others fear due to their wealthy status or because they come from Royal Families. Some people may have never hired a bodyguard before, but due to circumstances, they need to hire one. So that’s why we ask a handful of questions, as we seek to assist you when you talk to us.
Close Protection Operative or Bodyguard?
Different people call bodyguards different names. What name they’re given usually depends on the role they play. The term “Bodyguard” is very general. There are various types of bodyguards, like:
Executive Protection
Executive protection services are present all over the world, in the capital cities. However, at times you may go without notice. Maybe you’ve seen photos though the media of celebrities having protection. That’s what many people think to be Close Protection Bodyguards. Some Close Protection though is very private unconcealed. Some clients hate attracting attention, thus preferring some privacy in terms of their security detail.
When it comes to Executive Protection, different specialist fields, and experience come into play. They range from working with the Royal Families, which is the “Royal Protection Services” to those working with young kids. Depending on the task, a different unique mindset and skillset are required. Different qualifications are obtained via specialist training such as that offered at Pacific West Academy.
Soft skills are needed – An excellent Close Protection Personnel providing Executive Protection needs to possess soft skills. Charisma takes first place. Interpersonal skills and etiquette are also part of the must-have.
Dealing with Hostile Environments
For hostile environments, military skills are needed. While carrying out Close Protection in hostile areas, speed, teamwork and actively reacting to various situations that are out of control is key. Some necessary roles usually seen as specialist ones are Medical Training and Driving.