SoCozy products – a cool kid’s must have!
So, let me tell you about my son prior to him turning seven. He didn’t care what he wore, how he looked, nor what his hair looked like.
Then – bam! – seven years old, and in First Grade, and it’s a whole different ballgame. What’s a momma to do when there is so much emphasis on the way a kid looks and his first issue is his hair? There are so many products out there, I hardly knew where to begin. But I had three main stipulations – no awful chemicals, and totally organic and not tested on animals.
I needed to find the right products, because I have no idea what in the world other people use, because, check this out: I HAVE NEVER SHAMPOOED MY SON”S HAIR BEFORE. What?! Gross, you might think. But no! I am a big believer in letting the hair self clean, and I thought for years what baby or toddler really needs gunky, ooky stuff piled on top of their head other than to make great bubble heads and bubble beards in the bath.
But the time has come for my son to take charge of his hygiene routine, and if he’s requested some products, then let’s make them good ones.
Target is the place to find SoCozy, which are the best kids’ hair products around, IMO. They are funky on the outside, great smelling and make your kid ‘look like a rock star’ (quote the seven year old!).
My son is also a head-roller in bed, which means he often gets up looking like Russell Brand with the beehive thing going on, so get me something that gets rid of tangles, frizzies, flyaways and bedhead and not just water like I used before – that just will not do! Bring on the Cinch Detangler – amazing job done, and no fuss from Mr BedHead himself. I can use a comb through his hair as soon as I’ve sprayed it on – my life is made so much easier and we haven’t argued about sorting out his hair one bit this week!
SoCozy’s hair line is created by Cozy Friedman, the woman who founded the first children’s hair salons in New York City. Cozy has high standards for her products so that means no chemicals and preservatives. I love her promise: “no nasties — ever,” which means peace of mind for mommas with crazy haired kids like me! Yep, no nasties in these products; just good, clean, honest formulations with ingredients – and they work too.
My son declares he looks ‘coolsome’ after his efforts with the Behave Medium Hold Styling Gel. He does that and he loves styling it himself! As well at the styling gels, I would recommend that Boo! Lice Prevention Shampoo – it smells great, and is obviously doing the trick – no lice in our house! The Super Hydrating Conditioner might not last long in his bathroom – I’ve already snagged some of that for myself, so it’s not just for kids, you see – moms win too!
You can get SoCozy products via the website or head on over to Target and de-tangle your mornings!

Claire Bolden McGill is a British expat who lived in Maryland for three years and moved back to the UK in August 2015. Claire wrote about her life as a British expat on the East Coast and now works in travel and hospitality PR in the UK. She still finds time to blog about her repatriation and the reverse culture shock that ensued – and she still hasn’t finished that novel, but she’s working on it. You can contact Claire via twitter on @clairebmcgill or via her blog From America to England.