Ryan Bishop launches cannabis consulting company for chronic pain management
Cannabis, popularly known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug mostly used for recreational purposes and is banned in many parts of the world. However, with more research being done on the drug, it has proven to have a number of medicinal uses.
On account of numerous restrictions and laws, there is limited evidence to prove the usefulness of medical marijuana in reducing nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients, improving appetite in people living with AIDS, and treating chronic pain and muscle spasms.
To contribute to the field of researching cannabis, Ryan Bishop recently launched his newest venture called Cannaris. Cannabis and hemp testing along with scientific research for the regulated cannabis industry will be the core of Cannaris Analytical Labs.
Entering the cannabis industry back in 2010, Ryan has gained a lot of experience and knowledge and having made a name for himself in the industry. Before Cannaris Labs, Bishop’s portfolio included Axiom Hemp & CBD, Option One Healthcare, and Dope Nation Agency.
Along with his team, he has begun implementing a strategy to have a footprint in all legal cannabis states. It seems that Cannaris will have one of the largest footprints in the cannabis testing industry.
While some may scoff at the health and wellness concerns in the cannabis industry, Bishop says it is the very reason that Cannaris Labs is needed. As more benefits come to light and the harmful side effects are disproven to a great extent, many countries have been legalizing and decriminalizing the drug. There are plenty of countries where even though it’s not completely legal, it’s so mainstream that no one bothers you about it.
However, in the United States, there are some states like California that have legalized it, but it could earn you jail time in other states. Medical marijuana is legal in Canada, Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain and many states in the U.S. This is governed by local laws and function within a framework of regulated distribution and sale against prescriptions.
The industry is still a grey area in many places and this is exactly where Ryan Bishop’s Cannaris can really make a difference.
Chronic pain management is often complex and time-consuming. Those afflicted by it have to learn to live better despite the pain. Many times it involves prescription drugs that are addictive and can lead do more damage to the body and its functions, though it eases the pain. However, taking medical marijuana in prescribed doses to provide relief from pain is said to have a very low risk of addiction. Marijuana is known to be very effective in several cases when used as a treatment for chronic pain management.
In order to get clarity on what’s good and what’s not and to extend the benefits to everyone in America while working towards a global reach, extensive research is necessary on the subject. Under Ryan Bishop’s leadership, we can be sure that Cannaris is on the right path to making the world a better place.