Prophetic Signs To Watch In 2025
As history moves along, one thing we must remember is that history is His story. From creation to the cross, world events were bringing us to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even empires’ rise and fall brought the human race to the cross. The visions and dreams in the book of Daniel explain the rise and fall of Babylon, the Meads and Persians, the Greek and Roman empires, and how God was leading up to the first coming of Jesus Christ (see also Galatians 4:4).
Now that the first coming of Jesus Christ is past, God is leading the world to His second coming.
Take WWII, for example. Why was WWII fought? Historians will point to the economic oppression Germany was under because of the treaty that ended WWI. Others bring up the fact that the rest of the world was ignorant or turned a blind eye to the building of the Nazi war machine built during the time between the two world wars. Other reasons are tossed into the barrel as well, but when one looks at the twentieth century Biblically, it is not hard to see that the reason for WWII was the re-establishment of Israel.
Please understand. No one, not a single person on planet Earth, thought about the war, “After this worldwide conflict and the defeat of Germany, the world will see the treatment of the Jews and give them their land back.”
However, it was God’s plan all along. Many yet-to-be-fullfilled prophecies of the Bible involve Israel. Without Israel becoming a nation again at some point in history, the Bible is a fraud because dozens of prophecies would have never had a chance of coming true. May 14, 1948, is not only modern Israel’s birthday, but it also opens the door for all the unfulfilled prophecies of the Bible to occur. The day itself is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37, as God prophesied there that Israel would become a nation again.
As we move closer to Christ’s second coming, what are some things we can look for in 2025 that may be stepping stones to fulfillment of prophecy?
Israel, her lack of peace, and the rebuilding of the Temple.
There is currently a ceasefire in Israel’s current war with Hamas. The war may be over very soon. However, Israel is never at peace. War and rumors of war are constant. Several of Israel’s neighbors have voiced their desire to have Israel wiped off the face of the planet. Even if the missiles stop flying for a period of time, it is hard to be at peace when the threat of death is a constant sentiment from your neighbors. Israeli hospitals send home a gas mask for all newborn babies. Americans worry about having a car seat for the new member of the family, and Israeli parents worry about protection from chemical warfare. Regardless of whether Israel is in a declared war or not, Israel is not at peace. The seven-year tribulation starts when the Antichrist signs a treaty “with many” concerning the city of Jerusalem. Watch Israel, her relationship with her neighbors, and their peace efforts.
Jesus told us of an event that happens halfway through the tribulation. The Antichrist walks into the Temple and proclaims himself to be God. This prophecy cannot occur until the rebuilding of the Temple. Watch events on the Temple Mount.
Russia and Ukraine relations.
Yes, these two nations are currently at war with one another. However, the war may be ending soon. These two nations may be shooting at each other now, but there will come a time when the two of them will join forces against Israel.
Ezekiel 37-38 prophesies a coalition of nations led by Russia (Magog) invading Israel. One of the nations in the alliance is Gomer, which is modern-day Ukraine. I believe this invasion takes place during the Tribulation Period. The how and why of these two nations fighting alongside each other is not known, but the Bible is clear: it will happen someday. Watch the relationship between the two nations, especially if NATO rejects Ukraine. They will be looking for friends somewhere.
Crypto, The Database, and the Mark of the Beast.
Sometime during the Tribulation, the Antichrist will make it impossible to buy or sell without his mark. Revelation 13:16-17, “And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
First, I would like to point out that nearly all modern translations of the English Bible use the word “on” instead of “in.” Trust me, the KJV got it right. The mark of the beast will be implanted under the skin. This small change between two two-letter words can cost people eternity because when the time comes, people will point to the modern translations to “prove” that what they are doing is not the mark.
Because of the buy-and-sell power the mark grants, at the very least, the mark will contain all of a person’s financial information. Think of the mark as all your bank and credit accounts in one chip under your skin. All payments, purchases, and deposits are handled electronically and accessed through a chip under your skin. To prohibit transactions without the mark, money will need to be a thing of the past.
Wiping out all the world’s currency and coinage with a pen stroke will probably not happen. Here is where crypto will play a part.
As crypto becomes more popular and widely used, actual currency will play a smaller and smaller part. Eventually, the world’s currencies will transfer to crypto, possibly one type of crypto, a one-world currency, all on an electronic coin. For security and convenience, crypto eventually transfers to a computer chip under the skin – aka, the mark of the beast.
It is not a far stretch to include other information, such as health, criminal, and other records, in the Mark of the Beast.
There are currently a little over eight billion people on Earth, and we are expected to hit nine billion in 2037. That is a lot of information that must be stored for financial records. President Trump announced the Stargate Initiative this week. One of its goals is to create “a massive database.” This database is just another sign that God is shaping His story to the final chapter and the return of Jesus Christ.
Mark 13:35-37, “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”

Preacher Tim Johnson is Pastor of Countryside Baptist Church in Parke County, Indiana. His weekly column “Preacher’s Point” may be found at: