President Obama makes history with Africa visit
President Barack H. Obama made history Friday when he became the first sitting president to visit the African nation of Kenya. It is the place where his father was born and the president has a large extended family throughout Kenya.
His half-sister Auma Obama was at Jobo Kenyatta International Airport to great him, along with many of Kenya’s government officials and dignitaries.
He is there in part to attend the Global Entrepreneurs Summit where he will give a speech on Saturday and then Sunday he will fly to Ethiopia. He will be the first sitting president to visit that nation as well.
The president is expected to bring up some tough topics while there, top among them: civil rights for gays, lesbians and transgender people as well as for dissidents and journalists. National Security Advisor Susan Rice said the president will talk about all of those issues and more, both publicly and privately.
Currently in Kenya and Ethiopia, among other African nations, it is a severe crime to be a homosexual.
(Photo from YouTube)

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